News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Spring Lobster Landings Are Steady
Lobster landings this spring were about on par with recent years. Preliminary estimates were released today by the Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Total landings in District 24, from North Cape to East Point, are estimated at more than 9.9 million pounds… |
Province To Appoint Fourth Provincial Court Judge
Attorney General Lynwood MacPherson today announced that Executive Council has approved in principle the appointment of a fourth Judge to the Prince Edward Island Provincial Court. The decision to begin the selection process was made following consultations between the Department of * Provincial… |
New Booklet Promotes Fall on Prince Edward Island
As part of an initiative to extend the Island tourism season, Tourism PEI has published a new booklet called Summer is only part of our story. A comprehensive listing of 800 Island tourist operations open to at least the end of September, the booklet should quickly dispel the notion that the… |
Premier Callbeck Attends Annual Premier's Conference
Premier Catherine Callbeck leaves today for the Annual Premiers' Conference in Jasper, Alberta. Talks will focus on social policy reform and renewal, the economy and rebalancing the federal and provincial roles and responsibilities. While at the conference Premier Callbeck will be expressing her… |
Two-Tier Health Care System
"The interests of Islanders would not be well served by the introduction of a two-tier health care system," says Health and Social Services Minister Walter McEwen. On Tuesday, representatives of the Canadian Medical Association passed a resolution calling for debate on the partial privatization… |
Community Groups Receive Support For Wildlife Habitat Initiatives
Barry Hicken, Minister of Environmental Resources, announced today that over 54 projects sponsored by 42 community groups have received support under the department's Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program. "This support is in the form of direct financial contributions, as well as technical and… |
Simscape Corporation Develops Simulation Software
- Information technology is becoming an important part of the business landscape in PEI. A new company, Simscape Development Corporation, has entered the industry with a new Windows-based simulation software for business, industry and education. The product, called LOGIS, is a logistics… |
Internet Protection Software Installed in Island Schools
A "surf nanny" will be installed in most Island schools this fall to help prevent students from accessing objectionable material while surfing the net. The Department of Education has purchased 310 copies of the Internet security package Surfwatch for distribution to schools. Education Minister… |
Contribution Made by Young Environmentalist Program
The 1996 Young Environmentalist Program (YEP) sponsored by the provincial government came to a close last week, marking the end of its seventh sucessful season. In 1990, the Department of Environmental Resources recognized a need to educate Island youth about the importance of protecting and… |
Harmony Resident Receives Highest GED Award
The General Educational Development Testing Service of the American Council on Education and the PEI Department of Education are pleased to announce Blair H. Yeo, Richmond, Prince Edward Island, as a national award winner based on high scores earned on the Tests of General Educational Development… |
Blueberry Processing Facility Officially Opens
The Prince Edward Wild Blueberry Company in Canavoy, near Morell, had its official opening today. This new state-of-the-art blueberry processing facility, which also includes freezing and cold storage areas, is the first of its kind in Prince Edward Island. Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry… |
1997 Top 100 Events in North America Named by American Bus Association
The American Bus Association (ABA) has released its exclusive list of the 1997 Top 100 Events in North America with each province and state represented in the collection. The Celtic Festival in Summerside, June 26 to September 27, was selected as the event from Prince Edward Island. Officials… |
Steel Shot Workshops Planned
P.E.I. Minister of Environmental Resources, Barry Hicken, announced plans for two steel shot workshops to be held to educate the hunting public on the use of non-toxic shot for hunting migratory birds. These workshops are being conducted in conjunction with the Canadian Wildlife Service, noted Mr… |
Profit's Pond Fish Kill
The Department of Environmental Resources reports that analyses completed on samples collected from Profit's Pond found the pesticide chlorothalonil at low levels in water and sediment. Water, sediment and fish samples were collected from the Profit's Pond area on July 20, the same day that a fish… |
New Literacy Strategy Announced at International Literacy Day Kick-Off
Celebrations for International Literacy Day began on Prince Edward Island with the release of a new provincial strategy for literacy and adult education. Education and training are key to the province's ability to meet the challenges of global competition. Economic and social costs of low… |
Milk Board Election Results
Gary Hughes, Bonshaw R.R.#1 has been elected by acclamation to the cream sector on the Milk Marketing Board. There were no other nominees. As no nominations were received to fill the Board positions in the Charlottetown and Summerside districts, Marketing Council will appoint producers to these… |
Talks Will Boost Jobs And Growth, Says Callbeck
Premier Callbeck says the opening session of the Annual Premiers' Conference in Alberta contained useful discussions on both social and economic issues. The premiers began their work on Wednesday with a private meeting on the Sir Sandford Fleming Train en route to Jasper, and will conclude their… |
Bradley Wants Herring Fishery Left Open
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Walter Bradley is asking federal Fisheries and Oceans Minister Fred Mifflin for equitable treatment of Prince Edward Island herring fishermen. The federal department may close the herring fishery on Fisherman's Bank off southeastern Prince Edward… |
Report on Health of Canadians
"A new report that details the health of Canadians paints a positive picture of Prince Edward Island's high quality of life," says Health and Social Services Minister Walter McEwen. The Report on the Health of Canadians was released on Tuesday at the Meeting of Canada's Ministers of Health. The… |
Survey Results Positive
Honourable Keith Milligan, Minister of Transportation and Public Works, released figures today related to Government's new Telephone Vehicle Registration System (T.V.R.S.), the 24 hour toll-free vehicle renewal registration system. T.V.R.S. was launched on March 7, 1996, by the Highway Safety… |