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Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.  

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  • News before April 18, 1996 is not available online.

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 *Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results. 

Attorney General Proposes Change to Assist Victims of Crime

At the recent meeting of Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers Responsible for Justice in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on February 27-28, 1997, the Hon. Mitchell Murphy, Minister, Community Affairs and Attorney General, proposed a change to further protect victims of crime. More specifically,…

Southampton Wildlife Management Area Created

More than 1300 acres of land in Kings County are being recognized as a wildlife management area under provincial legislation. Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment today announced the designation of crown lands in Southampton, Kings County as PEI's newest wildlife management area…

Environment Ministers Release PEI Water Primer

Federal Environment Minister Sergio Marchi and Prince Edward Island Minister of Fisheries and Environment, Kevin J. MacAdam today released "Water on Prince Edward Island - Understanding the Resource, Knowing the Issues." Designed as a "primer" covering the basic elements about water in Prince…

Justice Ministers Discuss Measures To Deal With High Risk Offenders

At the meeting of Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers Responsible for Justice in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on February 27-28, 1997, the Hon. Allan Rock and Hon. Herb Gray led the discussion on various efforts underway to deal with high risk, serious and violent offenders. Several agenda…

On-Line Support Expands Business

On-Line Support Inc. of Charlottetown has recently secured two new contracts that necessitate the expansion of the company's call centre located at the Capital Honda building in West Royalty. The two new clients are iStar Internet Inc., a major player in the Canadian Internet service business,…

Legislature Proceedings Live On The Internet

With the opening of the Legislature this week, Prince Edward Island became the first jurisdiction in Canada and one of the first in North America to provide live audio coverage of the Legislature Proceedings. It is now possible for Islanders throughout the Province and Internet users from around…

Health Sector Staff Re-locate

Hon. Mildred Dover, Minister of Health and Social Services, announced today in the Legislative Assembly the forthcoming move of some health sector staff. "The recent announcement of the establishment of the new Atlantic Tourism and Hospitality Institute on Havilland Street on the Charlottetown…

PEI Transformation From Canada's Smallest Province To Canada's Smartest Province

Premier Pat Binns today announced a bold initiative designed to catapult Prince Edward Island (PEI) into the forefront of the Information Age, recasting it from Canada's smallest province to the country's smartest province. The project is meant to create a massive increase in technology use in PEI…

March 24 - 28, 1997, Is Co-operative Education Week

Education Minister Chester Gillan announced Prince Edward Island's support of National Co-operative Education Week being celebrated March 24-28, 1997. "Education doesn't take place just in the classroom anymore," said Mr. Gillan. "An increasing number of students are choosing to combine academic…

Travel Advisory

Public Health officials in PEI have identified some individuals who have returned recently from the Dominican Republic and who have been diagnosed as having an illness. The PEI Department of Health and Social Services is reminding residents of PEI who are planning a vacation in Mexico, Latin…

Wild Things Need A Place To Grow

"Wild Things Need a Place to Grow" is this year's theme for National Wildlife Week. The designation of National Wildlife Week in Prince Edward Island was announced today in the Legislature by Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment. Wildlife Week is sponsored by the Prince Edward…

1997 Angling Licenses Now Available

Kevin MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment reminds all anglers that the 1997 angling season opens Tuesday, April 15. Angling licenses and summaries are now available at the usual locations. "We all have a role to play to ensure the future of our sport fisheries by not littering, being…

Better Scallop Solution Passed Over

Fisheries and Environment Minister Kevin MacAdam expressed disappointment today with the recent decision by Federal Minister Fred Mifflin to maintain an April scallop fishery in the eastern Northumberland Strait for 1997. "The Federal Department has failed to adopt a more effective and fair…

Gasoline Price Changes - Imperial Oil Limited

The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that approval has been granted to Imperial Oil Limited to reduce the per litre prices of all grades of gasoline sold under its posted consumer tank truck pricing schedule. The price of regular gasoline is to be reduced by 4.0 cents per…

Island Information Technology Advanced With Three New Projects

Accessing information from around the world is easier than it was 50 years ago, and today it became even easier for Prince Edward Islanders. With three new projects approved under the umbrella of the Knowledge Economy Partnership (KEP), Island students, educators, and the public will be more "…

Prince Edward Island Ready For Banner Tourism Year

Prince Edward Island tourist operators are gearing up for what looks like a record year as the finishing touches are made to the 13-kilometre Confederation Bridge connecting the province to the mainland. Festivities surrounding the June 1 opening date are expected to attract enthusiastic crowds…

Organ Donor Awareness Week Proclaimed

April 20 to 26, 1997, is National Organ Donor Awareness Week, a national campaign to increase awareness and encourage people to become organ and tissue donors. The week for Prince Edward Island was officially proclaimed by Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover in the Legislative…

PEI Will Divert 50% Of Solid Waste By Year 2000

Using Earth Day to highlight environmental responsibility, the Government of Prince Edward Island today released a provincial waste management strategy. Announced by Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment, this strategy commits the Province to reducing solid waste going…

Report Card On Youth Report Released

A comprehensive report card was released today on the implementation of the 1993 provincial Youth Report, Youth, Families and Communities: A New Paradigm for Action. The Youth Report was a joint initiative of government and the community to reorganize the delivery of programs and services to put…

Minister of Education Guest Speaker at School-to-Work Institute

The Honourable Chester Gillan, Minister of Education, spoke on "Providing Students With a Quality Education" as guest speaker of the School-to-Work Institute hosted by the Eastern School District this evening. "I believe there are two major components in a quality education," said Minister Gillan…