Better Scallop Solution Passed Over

* Fisheries and Environment [to Jul 1998]
Fisheries and Environment Minister Kevin MacAdam expressed disappointment today with the recent decision by Federal Minister Fred Mifflin to maintain an April scallop fishery in the eastern Northumberland Strait for 1997. "The Federal Department has failed to adopt a more effective and fair solution to this long standing dispute between Island fishermen and their Nova Scotia counterparts" the Minister stated.

At issue was the controversial early spring scallop fishery in Area 24 in the eastern Northumberland Strait. For many years, this area has had both a spring and fall season. Island fishermen had requested that the spring seasons for scallops and lobsters open coincidentally on May 1. This move would remove most of the spring effort in this fishery, but allow about a dozen fishers who specialize in scallops to continue to fish in May and June. "I was impressed by the willingness of the majority to accommodate this smaller group and not unnecessarily compromise their livelihood" said MacAdam. "This was a carefully crafted solution which would have solved several ongoing issues, including conflicts between the scallop and lobster fisheries in the early spring period."

The solution adopted instead will maintain shortened fisheries in both April and May - June for the 1997 season, but then abandon the spring fishery entirely for 1998 and beyond. "This decision fails to address the problematic April scallop fishery in timely fashion which is surprising and disappointing since DFO purports to put conservation before all other considerations" said MacAdam. "Outcomes like this one do not inspire fishers to seek the type of creative and effective solutions required to address today's fisheries issues" said the Minister.

For 1997, the spring scallop fishery in scallop area 24 will be open from April 14 through 18th and May 5 through June 14th. The fall season will open October 13 for the remainder of the year.

For more information, contact Lewie Creed, Director, Fisheries & Aquaculture Division, (902) 368-5241.

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