News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
59 Reasons To Visit Prince Edward Island
Everyone loves lists, and Prince Edward Island tourism is counting on that passion with the release of their latest promotional piece. Your Room Is Ready lists 59 reasons (of at least a thousand) to visit the Island this year. The 40-page insert will be distributed with the May 16 issue of seven… |
New License Plates Available Soon
Honourable Michael Currie, Minister of Transportation & Public Works, has announced that his department has awarded a contract for the manufacturing of new vehicle license plates to Waldale Manufacturing Ltd. of Amherst, Nova Scotia. The new plates will be available to the public in a choice… |
Premier Expresses Sympathy
Premier Pat Binns today expressed sympathy to the family of the late Mike Kelly, Deputy Provincial Treasurer. Mr. Kelly died suddenly yesterday, in Moncton, after he collapsed on his way to a meeting. "It is a shock and we are saddened by the loss. Mr. Kelly was a very valuable member of the… |
Annual Conference For Film And Television To Be Held In PEI This June
"It seems like a movie," says Gretha Turner-Rose, President of the Canadian Screen Alliance (C.S.A.) and SeaHorse Films Inc., as she gets ready for the 2nd Annual Conference for Film and Television, to be held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. "Last year's Conference, called HOLLYWOOD NORTH… |
Roadside Clean Up In 24th Year
Minister of Fisheries and Environment Kevin MacAdam today praised the PEI Women's Institute for their efforts in organizing the twenty fourth annual Roadside Clean Up campaign. "Thousands of Islanders have grown up with a better appreciation of our Island environment because they participated in… |
Marsh Wildlife At Risk From Spring Burning
Each spring, Islanders unintentionally destroy the nests of our most familiar duck species, the black duck, by setting grass and brush fires. Honourable Kevin MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment today cautioned Islanders to consider the potential damage caused by spring burning. "… |
Corridor Resourses Signs Deal With Province Of PEI
In a signing ceremony today, the Province of Prince Edward Island entered into an agreement with Corridor Resources Inc. (CDN-CRRI) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, to drill a test well to evaluate the potential of producing natural gas near Cavendish. The planned well, called Green Gables #2, is… |
Provincial Heritage Fair Promotes Pride In Our Culture
The second annual Provincial Heritage Fair will take place May 22 and 23 at the UPEI Fieldhouse. Over two thousand students, teachers and volunteers will be involved in the Fair which encourages children in grades four to nine to explore their heritage. "The provincial Heritage Fair plays an… |
Cabinet To Meet Aboard Abegweit
The Marine Atlantic ferry service will be ending its regular service to Prince Edward Island the end of this month with the opening of the Confederation Bridge, and the Provincial Cabinet will make a unique effort to recognize the service. Premier Pat Binns says "As a demonstration of Islanders'… |
Discounting Of Posted Consumer Prices -- Heating Fuel Decreases
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that it has issued its Decision and Order (No. P.970516-1) in the matter of discounting of posted consumer and other petroleum product prices, which issue has been under review for some period of time. Public and in-camera hearings were… |
Oyster Mortality Due To Natural Causes
Test results from weakened and dead oysters sampled just following the opening of the spring oyster season have indicated that the cause of mortality is not a result of any shellfish parasites or disease but likely of natural causes. Kevin MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment says "… |
Irving Oil Limited - Propane Cylinder And Tank Rental Rates
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that it has issued its Decision and Order (No. P.970522-1) in the matter of the propane cylinder and tank rental rates charged by Irving Oil Limited, which issue was dealt with at a hearing into complaints by Irving's customers held on… |
New Weigh Scales And Inspection Facility To Open
A new commercial vehicle weigh scale and inspection facility in Borden-Carleton is scheduled to open on Friday, May 30, 1997. The Honourable Michael Currie, Prince Edward Island Minister of Transportation and Public Works, and Hon. Sheldon Lee, New Brunswick Minister of Transportation, will… |
June Is Amnesty Month At Confederation Centre Public Library
Do you have any books that are long overdue ... so far overdue that you are reluctant to return them or even admit it? Now is the time to bring them back, restore your library privileges and clear your conscience! June has been declared AMNESTY Month at the Confederation Centre Public Library.… |
Don't Rescue Orphaned Wildlife
Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment today reminded anyone who encounters young birds and mammals in their backyards, fields and woodlots to leave them alone. The Minister reported that each year the Fish and Wildlife Division receive "rescue" calls from people who… |
PEI Launches National Foster Care Pilot
Prince Edward Island launched a program today to improve services to children in care. The Looking After Children program is a national program which requires social workers and foster families to do annual assessments of children in care to ensure that children in foster and group homes are… |
Island Libraries Take Another Step Into The Information Age
Minister of Education, Chester Gillan, was recently presented with the first new library card for the Automated Library Management System by Harry Holman, director of Provincial Libraries and Archives. The Confederation Centre Library will begin distribution of the new cards this week and it is… |
Canada And Prince Edward Island Sign Labour Market Development Agreement
The Honourable Pierre S. Pettigrew, Minister of Human Resources Development, and the Honourable Wes MacAleer, Prince Edward Island's Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, today signed the Canada-Prince Edward Island Labour Market Development Agreement. This new agreement, which takes… |
Islanders Pleased With Water Services
Fisheries and Environment Minister, Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, today released the results of a recent client satisfaction survey of Islanders regarding services provided by the Water Resources Division. Mr. MacAdam reported that 92 percent of the clients surveyed were either, very satisfied, or… |
Prince Edward Island Appears Before Joint Public Review Panel
The Province of Prince Edward Island appeared last night before the Sable Off-Shore Energy Project Public Review Panel in Halifax, NS to present its case to have the pipeline extended to PEI. The Joint Public Review Panel for the Sable Gas Project is holding the hearings concerning proposals to… |