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Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.  

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  • News before April 18, 1996 is not available online.

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 *Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results. 

New Location For Highway Safety Division Office

Transportation and Public Works Minister, Honourable Michael Currie, announced that effective July 16, 1997, the Charlottetown Branch of the Highway Safety Division, currently housed in the MacMillan Building, will be operating from the Ian MacLeod Building (adjacent to Bagnall's Building Supplies…

Morell River Atlantic Salmon Health Disorder

The PEI Department of Fisheries and Environment and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada have confirmed that approximately 12 adult Atlantic salmon were recently found dead on the Morell River. At least the same number of live fish were sighted with significant injury. Last week, live…

Provincial Parks Prepare For Active Season

A provincial parks photo contest, "Capture the Experience," was among several new initiatives that the Hon. Mitch Murphy, Minister of Community Affairs and Attorney General, announced at a news conference held in Cabot Park today, where he was representing Tourism PEI Minister Wes MacAleer. Cash…

Charlottetown Airport

Under the division of powers contained in the Canadian constitution, responsibility for air transportation in Canada is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. Historically, provision of airports, airways and even air services have been provided by the Government of Canada. However, in…

Project Team On Public/Private Partnering To Be Formed For The Replacement of Athena School

Honorable Chester Gillan, Minister of Education, announced today the formation of a project team to initiate Public/Private Partnering (PPP) for the replacement of the Athena School in Summerside. "The replacement of Athena remains a priority for the Department of Education. We are working…

Minister Responds To Dr. Douglas Ian Cameron Decision

Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover stated today that the government of Prince Edward Island will be appealing the decision of Mr. Justice Armand DesRoches, which requires the Department of Health and Social Services to reinstate Dr. Douglas Ian Cameron's physician payment billing…

Applying For Student Loans Via The Internet

Applying for student loans has become easier in Prince Edward Island thanks to an on-line application process. By completing an electronic application form, students requiring financial assistance will benefit from increased access and convenience. Applicants will be able to check the status of…

Provincial Parks Now Open

Provincial Parks Manager, Greg McKee, announced today that all provincial parks are now open. The 27 camping and day-use parks will offer some excellent programs this year in addition to the usual services and facilities. Park programs have become an integral component of attracting visitors to…

Virtual Tour Of Green Gables At Interpretative Centre

While Green Gables House might be closed to visitors until July 1, 1997, visitors to the Interpretative Centre can still get an inside look at Green Gables House through the use of technology. The Province of PEI and Parks Canada have cooperated to establish a virtual tour of each of the rooms of…

Pilot Project Approved

As a result of requests from the general public and organizations such as the Tourism Industry Association, the Provincial Government has approved a pilot project permitting Sunday hours of operation for lounges, clubs and military canteens. In making the announcement, Provincial Treasurer, Pat…

Representative Ecosystems Protected

The Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment today announced that portions of five Crown properties, including sections of the Morell River riparian zone, Pisquid Pond, Wood Islands Bog, and the sand dune systems at Basin Head and South Lake have been designated under the…

Prince Edward Island Government Adopts Wordmarks

On June 18, 1997, the government of Prince Edward Island approved the use of two wordmarks certified by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office which is responsible for registering all trademarks in Canada. Trademark registration protects and controls the use of the image on products and…

Drinking And Driving Laws Strengthened

Honourable Michael Currie, Minister of Transportation and Public Works, today announced that his Department has set the date for implementation of the amendments to the Highway Traffic Act tabled in the 1996 sitting of the Legislative Assembly. The legislation was enacted on May 29, 1997. It is…

Petroleum Price Decrease Authorizations

The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that applications for crude oil cost-related decreases have been approved by the Commission. Petro-Canada has been authorized to decrease by 1.5 cents per litre, Shell Canada Products Limited and Ultramar Canada Inc. have been authorized…

PEI Veterans and Non-Veteran Seniors Provide Insight Into Determinants For Health Living

A comprehensive base of information on the health needs of Island seniors was made available today when George Proud, Member of Parliament for Hillsborough, representing the Honourable Fred Mifflin, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State (ACOA), and the Honourable Mildred Dover, PEI…

A Summer Reading Challenge

The sky's the limit with the Provincial Public Library Service's Summer Reading Challenge! Harry Holman, Director of Libraries and Archives, Department of Education, has agreed to stay on the roof of the Confederation Centre Public Library for a whole day if children from across Prince Edward…

Anchor Tenant Moves Into Souris Food Park

A $30 million potato dehydration plant will locate in the Souris Food Park, according to an announcement made today by the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Labour, on behalf of the Honourable Fred Mifflin, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary of State, Atlantic Canada Opportunities…

Department of Health and Social Services Staffing Process Begins

Advertisements will appear in Island newspapers next week for five senior positions in the Department of Health and Social Services. This staffing process follows from the recent amendments to the Health and Community Services Act, which disbanded the former Health and Community Services Agency…

Winter Fishery To Open -- Open Water A Concern

Minister of Fisheries and Environment, Kevin J. MacAdam, has announced the opening of the 1997 winter fishery for rainbow trout. The season will open Saturday, January 4, 1997, and run until sunset, Sunday, March 30, 1997. Fishing is restricted to Glenfinnan and O'Keefe's Lakes. "These lakes…

New Program Assists Women Entering Management

The Ministry Responsible for the Status of Women, the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) have partnered to support the Management Development Program for Women, a new program designed for first time and middle managers, or women interested…