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Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.  

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  • News before April 18, 1996 is not available online.

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 *Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results. 

Framework Announced for Enhanced Island Community Access to the Information Highway

The Information Highway becomes even more accessible to Prince Edward Islanders with the addition of new Community Access sites on the Island. Representatives of the province and Industry Canada announced here today a "Community Action Framework for Enhanced Island Community Access to the…

PEI Waste Management Commission Appointed

Members of the new Prince Edward Island Waste Management Commission were named today. Announced by the Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment, the new commissioners include a chairperson, three members from each of Prince and Kings County, four from Queen County, one…

M F Schurman Co. Ltd. Donates Copies Of Company History To Department Of Education

Michael Schurman, President and General Manager of the fourth generation, family-owned, M.F. Schurman Co. Ltd., recently presented copies of the Schurman company's centennial history to Harry Holman, Director of Libraries and Archives, Department of Education. The M.F. Schurman Company Limited of…

Trash Tycoon To Speak At Recycling Conference In Summerside

June 19 and 20 have been set as the dates for a major recycling conference in Summerside. With the recent announcement by the Prince Edward Island government of a new waste management strategy, the recycling industry in Prince Edward Island is poised to take off in new directions. The Province…

Steering Committee To Review Province's Cultural System

A steering committee comprised of eight people has been appointed by the Hon. Chester Gillan, Minister responsible for Culture, to carry out a six month assessment on the existing delivery system of cultural programs and services in Prince Edward Island. The committee, which is chaired by Dr. C.W.…

Island Schools Celebrate National Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week

Minister of Education Gordon MacInnis and the PEI Home and School Federation are pleased to announce Prince Edward Island’s participation in the Ninth Annual Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week. The nationally celebrated week runs February 11 to 17, 1996. "Every person in this province has reason to…

Canada's Supply Managed Commodities

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister, Walter Bradley, says the supply managed commodities of dairy, chicken and eggs are extremely important to the Prince Edward Island economy and, as such, a favourable ruling from the US/Canada Trade Panel supporting Canada’s tariffication rights is…

Support Renewed for Community Pastures

The provincial government will be renewing leases for Crown land community pastures for further ten year terms as present leases expire. The announcement was made today by Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Walter Bradley and Transportation and Public Works Minister Keith Milligan. "…

PEI Food Technology Centre helps with Market Testing of Little Christo's Pizza

The recent announcement that Fine Food Investments (FFI) will soon move into their new facility in DeSable, Prince Edward Island, concludes a two-year partnering arrangement with the PEI Food Technology Centre (FTC) for use of their federally inspected pilot plant. When FFI began expansion plans…

French Awareness Week - Acadian Flag Raising

The Acadian flag will fly over the Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly, near Provincial Government offices and in Island communities during Provincial French Awareness Week to be held this year from April 14 to 20. An official flag-raising ceremony will be held on April 16, 1996 at 12:30 at…

Jeannie Lea, MLA Not Re-Offering

Provincial Minister of Higher Education and Adult Learning, Jeannie Lea, announced today that she will not seek nomination for re-election, in the General Election which is expected before the end of the year. Mrs. Lea has represented the District of Sixth Queens in the Legislative Assembly for…

Tougher Enforcement of Potato Seed Standards

The Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is responding to industry requests for tougher enforcement of the minimum seed potato planting standards under the Plant Health Act. The Potato Producers Association passed a resolution at its recent annual meeting to work…

School Board Nominations Close Friday

Nominations for candidates wishing to seek office as trustees for the Eastern School District, the Western School Board or the French Language School Board will close at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10, 1996. Persons wishing to nominate as candidates for the School Board elections to be held on…

Library Week 1997: For the Love of Books/Pour l'amour des livres

Public libraries across the province are gearing up for Library Week, March 2-8, 1997. The annual event celebrates the role that libraries play in the provision of information, reading and listening materials to Islanders of all ages. The theme this year is For the Love of Books/Pour l'amour des…

Minister Welcomes Snow Crab Management Plan

Fisheries and Environment minister Kevin MacAdam said that Prince Edward Island has gained greater stability of access to the lucrative snow crab fishery. The 1997 Snow Crab Management Plan was released today by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. "Prince Edward Island was among those…

Mover And Seconder Named

Premier Pat Binns today announced the Mover and Seconder for the Reply to the Speech from the Throne. Beth MacKenzie, MLA for the district of Park Corner - Oyster Bed, will be the Mover. Andy Mooney, MLA for the district of Souris-Elmira, will be the Seconder. Hon. Mitch Murphy, Minister of…

Watts Grows Again - More Than 100 New Jobs!

Today, Watts Communications Inc. announced the creation of more than 100 Technical Support Representative jobs at its Charlottetown facility. These jobs have been created as a result of two new contracts secured by Watts. Watts will be providing Technical Support and Help Desk services for…

Ling Named Medical Director

Health and Social Services Minister, Honourable Mildred Dover, today announced the appointment of Dr. Don Ling as Medical Director for the province. Ms. Dover says "I am pleased Dr. Ling has agreed to accept this position. He will be providing important medical expertise as we continue to work…

City Administrator Misinformed

The Provincial Attorney General, the Honourable P. Mitchell Murphy, stated today that the Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Charlottetown, Mr. Harry Gaudet, appears to have been misinformed in respect of the Province's new electoral map. Last week, Mr. Gaudet suggested that "nine of…

Propane Price Decreases - Irving Oil Limited

The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that approval was granted to Irving Oil Limited to decrease the prices contained in its propane pricing schedule by 7.25 cents per litre, with the exception of propane sold through its cylinder exchange centres. These reduced prices…