Canada's Supply Managed Commodities

* Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [to Oct 1996]
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister, Walter Bradley, says the supply managed commodities of dairy, chicken and eggs are extremely important to the Prince Edward Island economy and, as such, a favourable ruling from the US/Canada Trade Panel supporting Canada’s tariffication rights is essential.

"We believe Canada is on solid ground in this case. Supply management in these commodities works to the benefit of Canadians when we consider economic return, food quality and price," said Bradley. He pointed out that, contrary to popular belief, Canadians work fewer hours to pay for a common food basket than any developed country.

Officials from the supply managed commodities were in Charlottetown today. These organizations are working closely with the Canadian government to ensure the strongest possible case is made in defending this trade challenge. In addition, a massive public relations campaign was launched to counter any misinformation the American parties may present to the media.

Mr. Bradley emphasized that Canadians expect and receive high quality dairy, egg and poultry products under Canada’s current agricultural systems. "Canadian agricultural producers operate efficient businesses and make significant contributions to the economy and our independence as a nation," Bradley stated. "Canadians trust the quality of food products produced in Canada, and we must not lose our domestic production of these food items," he concluded.

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon