M F Schurman Co. Ltd. Donates Copies Of Company History To Department Of Education

* Education [to Apr 2008]
Michael Schurman, President and General Manager of the fourth generation, family-owned, M.F. Schurman Co. Ltd., recently presented copies of the Schurman company's centennial history to Harry Holman, Director of Libraries and Archives, Department of Education.

The M.F. Schurman Company Limited of Prince Edward Island: A Century of Building by Summerside author, Margaret M. MacFarlane, is an illustrated volume which details the story of the Island-based company and its successful growth to become one of the largest building supply and construction companies in Atlantic Canada.

"The Schurman story plays an important role in the history of our communities and province," said Mr. Holman. "Not only does it represent an Island success story in entrepreneurial and business terms, but it also lends significantly to the history and heritage of Prince Edward Island."

The history of M.F. Schurman Co. Ltd., one of the province's oldest companies, will be available across Prince Edward Island through all high school and public libraries.

"The recorded history of companies such as Schurman's enables Islanders to better appreciate the contribution of Island businesses to the people and economy of Prince Edward Island," explained Mr. Holman.

"The generosity of this company to share its history with the people of Prince Edward Island is greatly appreciated."

For more information, contact Harry Holman, Director of Libraries and Archives, Dept. Of Education, (902) 368-4227.

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