Bradley Wants Herring Fishery Left Open

* Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [to Oct 1996]
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Walter Bradley is asking federal Fisheries and Oceans Minister Fred Mifflin for equitable treatment of Prince Edward Island herring fishermen.

The federal department may close the herring fishery on Fisherman's Bank off southeastern Prince Edward Island this week, despite the fact no management plan is yet in place. That would leave Island fisherman with less than 6000 tonnes in total landings, which is approximately 50 percent of last year's quota.

Mr. Bradley said he acknowledges quota reductions were needed as part of conservation efforts, but that the cuts being proposed for Fisherman's Bank are more severe than in other areas. He said he understands a general reduction was proposed for the region, but the reductions for Fisherman's Bank appear to be significantly greater than in other areas.

"We have told the federal department we favour proportional cuts under which fishermen in all areas would be treated equally," said Mr. Bradley. "Reductions in quotas which are greater than those in other areas are unacceptable, and I am asking Mr. Mifflin to keep the fishery open here until we land our fair share of the quota."

Last year, herring fishermen landed approximately 11,000 tonnes, and Mr. Bradley wants to fishery kept open to allow the landing of a total of just under 7300 tonnes which is more in line with the level of the general reduction being proposed. The Fisherman's Bank quota has not been reached in recent years due to low prices. With stronger prices this season, catches have rebounded to former levels.

Mr. Bradley is asking for an immediate response to his request.

"It's most unfair to fishermen who don't know from one day to the next if they'll be allowed to fish," he said.

Media Contact: Lewie Creed