News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
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*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Smoke Alarms and Fire Safety Update
Today the Provincial Fire Marshal's office reiterated the need for all Islanders to take necessary precautions to ensure their residences are protected by properly working smoke alarms, following a feature story broadcast on national TV last week. Provincial Fire Marshal Dave Blacquiere notes, "Our… |
Tourism Figures Released for 1999
The release today of the report "Economic Impact: Tourism 1999" confirmed that Prince Edward Island's tourism industry experienced strong performance in 1999 based on increased revenues, strong visitation numbers, longer stays and quality tourism experiences for visitors. "Our industry has worked… |
Team PEI Launches Softworld '99 Official Update Website
Proving the power of the Internet and the ingenuity of the TEAM PEI delegates, Islanders can now track the success of TEAM PEI at Softworld '99. The website can be found at and is jointly created by a TEAM PEI delegation committee. Guests to the site will find photos… |
Environmental Permit for Crowbush Cove Hotel Development Receives Approval
Honourable Don MacKinnon, Acting Minister of Technology and Environment, today announced approval has been granted under the Environmental Protection Act to Crowbush Cove Development Inc. to proceed with construction and operation of a resort complex in the Crowbush area. In making the… |
Crowbush Resort Plans Finalized
Plans are now finalized to begin construction of the four-star Delta Crowbush Resort and conference centre in Lakeside, adjacent to the Links at Crowbush Cove golf course. Construction will begin this month with an opening date of May 15, 2001. Representatives from the Governments of Canada and… |
Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Julie Payette To Visit Prince Edward Island
The Province of Prince Edward Island and the Association of Professional Engineers of Prince Edward Island (APEPEI) are proud to co-host a visit by one of Canada's recent heros, Ms. Julie Payette, from November 25 to November 26, 1999. "Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Julie Payette received more… |
Update Of The Base Rate Auto Insurance Levy To Assist In Recovery Of Hospital/Medical Costs
The levy change announced today by the Honourable Wes MacAleer, Minister of Community Services and Attorney General, will increase the levy charged to auto insurers effective January 1, 2000, from $8.52 per earned vehicle to $19.50. Minister MacAleer notes that the base rate on which the levy is… |
Beyond Hard Hats And Safety Boots -- Workers Compensation Board Brings Safety Course To PEI
Looking for new ways to prevent the incalculable costs of workplace accidents, measured in both human terms and dollars, WCB's Occupational Health and Safety Division has recently introduced a new educational initiative. Working with Dalhousie University, George Stewart, Director of WCB's… |
Arctic Char Promising Aquaculture Species
A newly expanded aquaculture operation, Winter Springs Aquaculture Inc., was officially opened in Pleasant Grove today. Fin-fish production is taking an increasingly important place in Prince Edward Island's relatively new and rapidly evolving aquaculture industry. Winter Springs Aquaculture,… |
New Provincial Inpatient Addictions Facility Nears Completion As New Outpatient Programs Are Introduced
Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover advised today that construction of PEI's new provincial addictions facility is nearing completion, and many new and expanded outpatient addictions programs are now available in the five health regions. Construction of the new $3.2 million facility… |
Mover and Seconder Named
Premier Pat Binns announced today the Mover and Seconder of the Speech from the Throne that will officially open the third session of the 60th General Assembly. The speech will be moved by Jamie Ballem, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Stanhope - East Royalty. It will be seconded by Elmer… |
Team PEI Makes Solid Impression at Softworld '99
Team PEI delegates who have attended Softworld ‘99 in Vancouver, Canada's largest conference dedicated to innovation in the software industry, have benefited from new opportunities to network, learn and showcase Prince Edward Island's information technology skills and expertise. Scott Ferris, the… |
Second Quarter Update 1999
The Provincial Treasurer today announced the Second Quarterly Report for 1999 noting that the Provincial Finances are in good shape and that the economy continues its broad based expansion. The Honourable Pat Mella, Provincial Treasurer confirmed today that the Province's finances are firmly on… |
Waterfront Revitalization Continues in Montague
The Montague waterfront has been undergoing a revitalization over the past year. A new hotel, an important part of that project, was officially opened this afternoon in Montague. "The Montague area is growing in popularity as a tourism destination," said the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Solicitor… |
$2.3 Million Expansion Completed At Montague Intermediate School
"The $2.3 million expansion to Montague Intermediate School demonstrates government's ambitious school construction plan is working to give Island students the proper environment for learning and growing," said Premier Pat Binns today at the school's official opening ceremony. The 23,000 square-… |
Second World War Theatrical Performance Tours Island High Schools
High school students across PEI will receive an educational and entertaining history lesson next week when actor David Morris performs "Canadian Air Force Pilot - Second World War." This one hour monologue will tour all secondary schools between November 15–19 and will expose students to the harsh… |
Beaujolais Nouveau Wines To Be Available On PEI
Three Beaujolais Nouveau wines will be available at the PEILCC stores throughout Prince Edward Island beginning Thursday, November 18, 1999. Beaujolais Nouveau wines are the first wines to be released from the new vintage each year, celebrating the completion of the grape harvest. Beaujolais… |
Aerospace Industry Expands At Slemon Park
Vector Aerospace joined together with the Governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island today to announce the expansion of Atlantic Turbines International (ATI) which will result in the addition of 120 jobs to its operations at Slemon Park. "We are delighted that our initial investment has… |
Trivia contest Adds New Element To Television Program - Island Focus Tests Viewer's Attention Each Week
A new element to the community outreach television program, Island Focus, has been added this season. Each week viewers are given the opportunity to win an Island Focus travel mug just by watching the program. In addition to the seven segments that air each week, the program features interesting… |
Ministers Recognize Students And Staff For Smoke Free Initiatives
Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover and Education Minister Chester Gillan presented a recognition certificate today to Kensington Intermediate and Senior High in support of their recent adoption of smoke-free policies recommended by the Western School Board. During the coming week,… |