News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Task Force on Access to Justice Releases Final Report
The Task Force on Access to Justice released its final report today outlining recommendations aimed at improving Islanders' access to the justice system. The Task Force on Access to Justice was commissioned by Chief Justice Gerard Mitchell and established through a partnership between the Supreme… |
Province Recognizes Verbal Abuse Prevention Week October 6-12
Prince Edward Island will recognize Verbal Abuse Prevention Week from October 6-12, 2002. The week is designed to promote safe and non-violent ways of acting in schools and the community. This is the fourth year that Prince Edward Island has hosted Verbal Abuse Prevention Week. "We know that this… |
Committee Looking for Prince Edward Island's First Information and Privacy Commissioner
A Committee of the Legislative Assembly has started advertising for persons interested in becoming Prince Edward Island's first Information and Privacy Commissioner. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act was passed by the Legislative Assembly during the Spring 2001 Session and… |
Binns Dedicates Province House Annex As The J. Angus MacLean Building
Former Premier J. Angus MacLean was honoured today by the Government of Prince Edward Island. At a ceremony at Province House, Premier Binns dedicated the Province House Annex, more commonly known as 180 Richmond Street, as the J. Angus MacLean Building. Members of the MacLean family, including Mr… |
Minister Approves Use of Credit Cards For Licensees
Honourable Jeffrey E. Lantz, Minister Responsible for the Liquor Control Commission, announced that effective Tuesday, October 15, 2002, licensees across Prince Edward Island will be allowed to use credit cards to purchase products from the Commission. The Minister stated that numerous requests… |
Islanders Reminded of Changes Affecting Oil Tank Installation
Island homeowners are reminded that changes affecting oil tank installation came into effect recently as part of continuing efforts to reduce the number of oil spills from home heat tanks. As of September 1, a person must have a valid home heat tank installer's licence to install, alter or remove a… |
Oyster Enhancement Project Proves Successful
An oyster enhancement project in the Bideford River this spring has resulted in an excellent seed supply for future harvests. Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Greg Deighan recently got a first-hand look at the enhancement work while touring several fisheries and aquaculture sites in the… |
Women in Business Symposium
The second annual Women in Business Symposium, "Turning Practice Into Profit," will be held on October 22 and 23 at the Charlottetown Hotel in conjunction with Small Business Week. Presented by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, PEI Business Development, UPEI's Management Development Program… |
Flu Vaccine Now Available In Physician Offices
The annual shipment of flu vaccine for PEI has arrived and is now available in physician offices. Chief Health Officer Dr. Lamont Sweet advised that flu vaccine reduces the occurrence of serious complications from the flu, and is the most important measure a person can take to reduce the impact of… |
Kings County Courthouse Dedicated to Former Premier Alexander Matheson
Premier Pat Binns unveiled a plaque at the Kings County Courthouse today that permanently dedicates the historic structure to the memory and legacy of Alexander Wallace Matheson. Members of the Matheson family were on hand at the dedication ceremony. Matheson's public service spanned the better… |
Innovative Multimedia Program to be Introduced at Kinkora High School
The Honourable Michael F. Currie, Minister of Development and Technology, and the Honourable J. Chester Gillan, Minister of Education, today announced that a new multimedia design and development program is being introduced at Kinkora Regional High School. The Technology Arts course is a pilot… |
Island Focus Season Premiere - New Day, New Time
The season premiere of Island Focus will broadcast at a new time, Mondays at 7:30 pm beginning October 21 on EastLink Television. "I encourage Islanders to tune into the program for an opportunity to learn about provincial government programs and to meet the people who are impacted by them," said… |
Innovative Multimedia Program to be Introduced at Kinkora High School
The Honourable Michael F. Currie, Minister of Development and Technology, and the Honourable J. Chester Gillan, Minister of Education, today announced that a new multimedia design and development program is being introduced at Kinkora Regional High School. The Technology Arts course is a pilot… |
Celebrating Island Businesses During Small Business Week
PEI Business Development, the lead economic development agency for the province, invites small business owners across the province to take part in one of the many activities during Small Business Week October 21-25. "Small businesses on Prince Edward Island are major contributors to our provincial… |
EMO Reminds Islanders of Weather Warning Issued by Environment Canada Today
The Maritimes Weather Centre has issued heavy rainfall warnings for 50 to 80 mm over Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Îles de la Madeleine along with wind warnings up to 100 km/h for Northeastern Nova Scotia. Tropical Storm Gustav is moving north toward the Atlantic Region, and at the current… |
Province and EDS Meet
The Honourable Pat Binns, Premier of Prince Edward Island, and Mr. John Dowd, President of EDS Canada, announced today an intent to continue to explore business opportunities in Prince Edward Island. "We had a very good meeting, and have once again extended an invitation to EDS Canada to locate a… |
Storm Surge Warning Issued
The PEI Emergency Measures Organization has received an updated weather report from Environment Canada which indicates that the coasts of Prince Edward Island could experience a storm surge at approximately 3 a.m. Heavy rainfall warnings are in effect for southern New Brunswick, Prince Edward… |
Western Service Depot Officially Opened
Premier Pat Binns, along with Transportation and Public Works Minister Gail Shea, today joined Transportation and Public Works staff and members of the community in officially opening the Western Service Depot in a ceremony in Alma. The new 3,600 square foot facility now offers a single point of… |
Help Desk NOW Holds Grand Opening
Help Desk NOW (HDN), a leading provider of customer relationship management (CRM) solution, today officially opened its newest centre in Bloomfield, Prince Edward Island, Canada.Prince Edward Island Premier Pat Binns and HDN Chief Executive Officer Fred Riek were joined by Development and… |
Province Partners with PEI Road Builder's Association to Support Hay West Campaign
More Island hay will be heading to Western farmers in need following an initiative announced today. The Department of Transportation and Public Works, in partnership with the PEI Road Builder's Association, are lending their support to the Hay West campaign in aid of western farmers battling… |