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Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.  

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 *Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results. 

Inn At Bay Fortune Purchases Ark Property

Honourable Mike Currie, Minister of Transportation and Public Works, today announced the sale of the Ark Inn and Restaurant at Spry Point, to the company which operates The Inn at Bay Fortune. Minister Currie said the sale of the property to the private sector will inject new life into the area,…

Team Atlantic Trade Mission Now On The Internet

Members of the Team Atlantic Trade Mission are pleased to offer detailed information regarding the New England Trade Mission on the Internet at Team Atlantic, a trade mission to four of the New England states, is an initiative of the Conference of Atlantic…

Millennium Logo Contest Offers $1000 Prize

Islanders are being issued an invitation to participate in a Millennium Logo Contest with a cash prize of $1000.00 being awarded to the winning artist. The Provincial Millennium Committee recently announced the contest which focuses on the theme "PEI 2000: Inspired by our past ... embracing our…

Sir Graham Day Keynote Speaker At Team Atlantic Trade Mission Dinner

Noted international business leader, academic and public speaker Sir Graham Day will be the keynote speaker at an inaugural dinner which begins a four day tour of New England states by Team Atlantic, a trade delegation representing the four Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and…

Health Minister Advises New Funding Will Strengthen Front Line Services And Make Strategic Investments In Health

Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover advised today that the base budget for Health and Social Services will increase by $14.6 million in 1999-2000 to ensure that quality health services are there for Islanders when they need them. In addition, Government will establish a $10 million…

New Resource Will Assist Islanders Diagnosed With HIV/AIDS

Islanders with HIV/AIDS will benefit from a new resource, "Blueprint of Care," released today by the PEI HIV/AIDS Strategy Implementation Committee. Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover advised that the resource provides helpful information and resources to persons newly diagnosed…

Location for New East Prince Health Facility Announced

Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover announced today that the new East Prince Health facility will be built on a property northeast of the intersection of Granville Street and Walker Avenue near the Sears store in Summerside. "Of the twenty-three proposals received, this location was…

Prince Edward Island Delegation Heading To New England

This Sunday, April 11, a delegation from Prince Edward Island, led by Premier Pat Binns, will travel to Boston, Massachusetts to join delegates from the other three Atlantic Provinces on Team Atlantic, the Atlantic Premiers' trade mission to four of the New England states. The Prince Edward…

Companies Sign Joint Venture To Expand Product Distribution

Canada Group Inc. of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador and Red Rock Ag Resources Inc. (subsidiary of Global Fibers Group Inc.) of Phoenix, Arizona today signed a deal that will see the two companies enter into a joint venture distribution agreement. Through this deal, Canada Group Inc. will…

Focus On Resources Last Show Of The Season To Feature Y2K

Focus on Resources, the provincial government's community outreach program on cable television, will air a feature on the Year 2000 Computer Compatibility Issue (Y2K) on April 13. The feature will include government's role in the Y2K problem, what businesses can do and a guide for the homeowner in…

Team Atlantic Delegates Briefed On New England Economy

Atlantic Canadian companies looking for business opportunities in New England couldn't have chosen a better time to be here, according to a senior economist and vice-president of the Boston Federal Reserve Bank. Yolanda Kodrzycki attended a breakfast meeting in Boston this morning and briefed Team…

Successful Day For Island Companies

The early bird catches the worm – or in this case, the meeting. It was a good day for Prince Edward Island companies taking part in the Team Atlantic trade mission to New England. The 10 Island companies who are part of the trade delegation were briefed on the New England economy, and spent the…

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Addresses Trade Delegation

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Brian Tobin was guest speaker at a business lunch held in Boston today for the delegates of Team Atlantic. Premier Tobin spoke about Newfoundland and Labrador's past, which saw its economy largely dependent on the fishery. "Every coastal destination existed for…

Sir Graham Day Keynote Speaker At Team Atlantic Dinner

Atlantic Canada and the New England states share a bond that has united the two regions in the past, and will continue to do so into the 21st Century as new trade opportunities are explored, the Chancellor of Dalhousie University told the Team Atlantic trade delegation last night. International…

Nova Scotia Premier Speaks At Luncheon

New England is more than a potential trading partner for Atlantic Canada — the region is home to family, friends, and neighbours, Nova Scotia Premier Russell MacLellan said during a lunch meeting of the Team Atlantic trade mission. "This is more than about trade," Premier MacLellan told the…

Prince Edward Island Companies Make Contacts On Mission

In the opinion of one Island company, the benefits of the Team Atlantic Trade Mission to New England have been two-fold. "This mission has given Atlantic Canadian companies a higher profile and credibility in the New England market where a lot of our products are not widely known," stated Eric…

Atlantic Canadian Food Companies Hit The Road Together

If the vehicle nicknamed "The Secret Service Van" breaks down on the road before the end of this week's trade mission to New England, one thing its Team Atlantic trade mission passengers won't have to worry about is going hungry. The Secret Service Van, so named because of its black colour, tinted…

Civic Addressing Proceeds in Charlottetown

The Province of Prince Edward Island has entered the next stage of its 911 project by working in cooperation with the City of Charlottetown to confirm the city's civic addresses to support full 911 implementation in July 2000. The Charlottetown phase of the civic addressing process follows…

New Brunswick Premier Speaks At Trade Luncheon

The delegates of the Team Atlantic trade mission and the New England companies who have met with them over the past four days are examples of what is possible for the two regions, New Brunswick Premier Camille Thériault said at a business lunch today. Premier Thériault was the final guest speaker…

Team Atlantic Trade Mission Wraps Up In Maine

It was a tired but happy group of travellers who wrapped up the Team Atlantic trade mission to New England yesterday evening. After a whirlwind tour of four New England states in four days, the Team Atlantic delegates were weary, but pleased with the success of the mission. Many of the…