News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Premier's Cup Awarded
Fisher Stephen Gaudet of Tignish Run was recognized today for landing this year's largest giant bluefin tuna from a Prince Edward Island port. Premier Pat Binns presented Mr. Gaudet with the third annual Premier's Cup at the Legislative Assembly this afternoon. The award was established by Premier… |
Food Technology Centre Carries Out Food Safety Contracts in Carribean
Scientists from the PEI Food Technology Centre have begun a contract in St. Kitts & Nevis to bring that country up to export standards for the inspection of seafood. During the course of the contract, management and laboratory technicians will be trained in the operation and management of the… |
Tourism Marketing Authority Seeks Advertising Agency
The Honourable Greg J. Deighan, Minister of Tourism, and James Tingley, Co-Chair of the Tourism Marketing Authority announced today that the Tourism Marketing Authority is actively seeking an advertising agency to assist in the production and implementation of the province of Prince Edward Island's… |
Stewart Memorial Hospital Installs Ceiling Lifts
Stewart Memorial Hospital, along with generous support from the Hospital's Foundation, has launched a new initiative to reduce workplace injuries. This past week, ceiling lifts were installed throughout Stewart Memorial Hospital, making it the first facility on Prince Edward Island to implement a… |
Schurman Steel Fabrication Expands to Meet U.S. Demand
Schurman Steel Fabrication, a division of M F Schurman Company Limited, has expanded its operations in Summerside in order to meet their production requirements for fabricated steel contracts in the New England States. For the past four years, Schurman's has been producing fabricated steel for the… |
Economic Impact, Tourism 2000 Complete and Ready for Release
Greg Deighan, Minister of the Department of Tourism, announced today that the annual Economic Impact Study on the tourism industry of Prince Edward Island is complete and ready for distribution. The report on tourism for the 2000 season provides the industry with insights on statistical… |
Attorney General Jeffrey E Lantz Announces Appointments to Queen's Counsel
The Honourable Jeffrey E. Lantz, Attorney General, today announced four new appointments of Queen's Counsel. Appointed as Queen's Counsel are Gordon L. Campbell of Stewart, McKelvey, Stirling & Scales; Derek D. Key of Key, McKnight & Peacock; Dolores M. Crane of MacLeod, Crane & Parkman… |
Province Announces Changes to Planning Act Regulations
The Honourable Gail A. Shea, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, announced the recent approval of new regulations under the Planning Act. Development of land in all areas of the Island within the jurisdiction of the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs has been dealt with under the… |
Parental Leave Extended
The Honourable Gail A. Shea, Minister Responsible for Labour, is pleased to announce amendments to the PEI Employment Standards Act allowing parents to take unpaid parental leave up to 52 weeks. Birth mothers are entitled to 17 weeks maternity leave. In addition, a further 35 weeks parental leave… |
Government Reduces Costs to Patients for Out-of-Province Ambulance Services
Effective November 1, 2000, a new Medical Transport Support Program will reduce the portion of the cost paid by Islanders for out-of-province ground ambulance services. Health and Social Services Minister Jamie Ballem advised today that, in future, patients will be required to pay one standardized… |
Regional Health Board Meetings and Elections Planned
Prince Edward Island residents will have several opportunities to elect new regional health board members at regional annual meetings in November. The province is now entering the second year of a three-year phased approach to move from appointed boards to combined appointed and elected regional… |
Crime Prevention Week Launch 2000
October 30, 2000 marks the launch of Crime Prevention Week 2000. Attorney General Jeffrey E. Lantz officially launched Crime Prevention Week 2000 in a ceremony at the École François-Buote earlier today. The audience included the student and staff population at the École François-Buote, the Crime… |
Storm Surge Flooding
The Prince Edward Island Emergency Measures Organization has reported flooding of inland and coastal areas. The northeastern shore area of the province appears to be the most affected at this time. The Department of Transportation and Public Works is presently carrying out inspections. At this… |
Fiber Connections Inc. Receives Overwhelming Response from West Prince Labour Force
More than 600 people in West Prince attended a series of information sessions held by Fiber Connections Inc (FCI) last week. The purpose of the sessions was to determine the level of interest in working in the fiber optics industry, specifically, with FCI. "All four sessions were extremely… |
Petroleum Pricing Adjustments
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that applications for crude oil cost-related increases have been approved by the Commission. The changes announced at this time are based on world crude oil prices for the month of September. Wholesalers have been authorized to increase… |
Premier Binns, Minister Shea Congratulate Frank MacIntyre and Contessa Scott on Gold Medal Win in Paralympics
Premier Pat Binns and the Honourable Gail A. Shea, Minister responsible for sport expressed their congratulations to Frank MacIntyre and Contessa Scott for the gold medal winning performance of the Canadian goalball team in the paralympics in Sydney, Australia. "On behalf of the Province of Prince… |
New Web Site Launched for Comprehensive Education and Training Strategy
A new Web site featuring several background papers prepared as part of the Comprehensive Education and Training Strategy was launched earlier today. The Comprehensive Education and Training Strategy advisory committee, established in May of this year, commissioned the development of a series of… |
Municipal Election Wizard
The Province of Prince Edward Island web site has added a new feature that will benefit all those voting in the forthcoming municipal elections. Internet users can find out where they should vote on November 6th by putting in their address. It is a simple and easy-to-use system that will help… |
Workers Compensation Board To Make Payment Process Easier For Employers
Beginning in January, 2001, the Workers Compensation Board will implement a pilot project to improve the way employers pay the Board for services. WCB uses revenues from employers to provide support services to clients who have workplace injuries and illnesses. The idea for the pilot project came… |
Prince Edward Island Economy Progress Report 2000
Today Patricia Mella, Provincial Treasurer, released the Prince Edward Island Economy, Progress Report 2000. This publication presents the most current information available on the economy of Prince Edward Island, in 2000. The report notes that the provincial economy is growing at a brisk pace. "… |