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Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.  

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  • News before April 18, 1996 is not available online.

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 *Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results. 

100th Episode of Island Focus

The 100th episode of Island Focus will broadcast next week, Monday, January 13, 7:30 p.m. on EastLink Television. Island Focus is the provincial government's community outreach television program featuring the people, places and programs of Prince Edward Island. This milestone broadcast will be…

Strathcona Cup Visits Prince Edward Island

On Monday, January 13, Prince Edward Island will play host to twenty-eight Scottish Curlers who are in Canada to compete for the Strathcona Cup. This is the first time that the Canadian tour for the Strathcona Cup will include a visit to Prince Edward Island. The Island tour will include…

Municipal By-Election Nominations

Nominations for the February 10, 2003, Town of Cornwall municipal by-election will close on Friday, January 17, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. The list of nominated candidates will be posted on the Elections PEI Homepage on Friday evening as soon as the information is completed. The Elections PEI Homepage is…

Youth of the Digital Age Program Seeking Participants

Technology PEI's Youth of the Digital Age program is seeking participants. The program consists of a series of workshops where students are taught techniques for creating a web page. In the past, the program has targeted junior high and high school students. Over 200 young people from eight…

Orwell Corner Historic Village Gets Go Ahead from Government of PEI on Expansion and Upgrade Plans

The Honourable Elmer MacFadyen, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, today announced funding in the amount of $550,000 to expand and upgrade the Orwell Corner Historic Village. "This project will create additional employment and enhance the potential of increased economic development in the…

Government's Partnership With Construction Industry Continues To Yield Positive Results

The Department of Transportation and Public Works, in partnership with the Construction Association of PEI, today announced the implementation of Building Construction and Contracting Guidelines for projects undertaken by the department. The guidelines, developed jointly by the Department and the…

PEI Craft Producers Prepare for 3rd Annual Craft and Giftware Buyer's Market

Over 65 craft producers will be featured during the Third Annual Prince Edward Island Craft and Giftware Buyer's Market. It will take place on January 17-18 at the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown. The two days provide a great opportunity for retailers to source quality Island-…

New Round of Funding Announced for Between Generations

Development and Technology Minister Mike Currie has announced a new round of funding for the Between Generations program. Between Generations provides grants to youth organizations that are interested in learning interviewing skills and web page creation. The youth groups chose topics that bring…

55 Alive Program Helping Build Skills for Island Drivers

Over time, even the best drivers can use a refresher of basic driving skills to help improve their performance. That's the idea behind the 55 Alive Program, a course designed to help experienced drivers compensate for the natural decline in driving skills as drivers age as well as for physical…

Local Business Cultivating More Than Shell Fish

After 2 years at the helm of Prince Edward Aqua Farms Inc., General Manager Jerry Bidgood can only grin at the news that one of his Ontario customers recently found a pearl not in one of his cultured oysters but in one of his mussels."I always knew," he laughs, "that our products were precious, but…

Conditional Approval Extended for C&D Site

The Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment has extended the conditional approval for the operation of a construction and demolition (C&D) disposal site in Hazelbrook. Following review last year under Prince Edward Island's environmental impact assessment process and the Waste…

Commissioner Appointed to Consider Electoral Reform

— Premier Pat Binns delivered on another commitment of last fall's Speech from the Throne by initiating today a complete, independent and accountable examination of Prince Edward Island's electoral system. The Premier announced that retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward…

Impressive Numbers Mark this Year's Buyer's Market as the Most Profitable to Date

As the final numbers for The Third Annual Prince Edward Island Craft & Giftware Buyer's Market are being tallied, the results are looking promising for PEI craft producers. Direct wholesale sales are reaching over $350,000, an increase of $100,000 compared to last year's figures. In addition…

Survey Says Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among PEI Students Remains Stable While Tobacco Use Decreases

According to the 2002 Prince Edward Island Student Drug Survey, half of adolescent students in Prince Edward Island use alcohol, a quarter use cannabis, and one in five students smoke cigarettes. Student drug use in Prince Edward Island is similar to use in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Alcohol…

Dr. Janice Keefe to Speak on Home and Continuing Care at East Prince Health Annual Meeting

Dr. Allen MacLean, Chair of the East Prince Health Board is pleased to announce that Dr. Janice Keefe will be doing a presentation called, "Shifting Times in Home and Continuing Care and Its Impact on Family Caregivers," at the * East Prince Health Region [to Nov 2005] Annual Meeting to be held…

Human Resource Centre Summerside and Access PEI Now Located Under One Roof

The Summerside Human Resource Centre and Access PEI are now located under one roof. The recent move provides clients in the Summerside area with better access to all of the Human Resource Centre's programs and services and over 100 provincial government services. Joe McGuire, Member of Parliament…

Council of Atlantic Premiers Meet in Fredericton

Improving health care, equalization, climate change, and regional cooperation were the main topics of discussion at the Council of Atlantic Premiers' meeting held today in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Atlantic premiers agreed on a number of national and regional issues including:- joint…

Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Social Services Focuses on Children, Families and Disabilities

Federal, provincial and territorial Ministers responsible for Social Services met today in Moncton and continued to make progress on their work in support of children, families, and persons with disabilities. The focus of their discussions was on the National Child Benefit, the Early Childhood…

Liquor Boards Offer Responsible Hosting Tips

To help make celebrations both enjoyable and safe this holiday season, a number of Canadian liquor boards are offering consumers "HOST: guide for responsible entertaining," a new booklet offering entertaining solutions, useful party planning information and valuable tips for responsible hosting.…

Health Officials Release Preliminary Results of E. Coli Investigation

Chief Health Officer Dr. Lamont Sweet advised today that the source of the E. coli outbreak at the Hillsborough Hospital was contained in salads and sandwiches prepared in the kitchen at the hospital. This conclusion is based on three key observations of a study of food histories of staff who ate…