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Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.  

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 *Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results. 

“Marketing Your Whole Farm” topic of workshop

Farm businesses interested in ideas and information on direct marketing, agri-tourism, customer service and social media should plan to take in one of two workshops offered by the Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture. The workshops will feature international speakers and agricultural…

Mobile apps keep travellers informed while visiting the Island

Tourists can now access Island travel information from their iPhones, BlackBerries, and other mobile devices while they are on the Island, says Tourism and Culture Minister Robert Vessey. “We created these mobile apps to ensure that our visitors are always connected to the information they need…

Minister declares February as Heart Month

To help kick off February as Heart Month, today is Wear Red Day, an opportunity for Islanders to join together and raise awareness of the importance of heart health, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram. “Wear Red Day is a neat way for Islanders to get involved and raise awareness for…

Minister welcomes education leaders from Vietnam

A delegation from Vietnam is visiting Prince Edward Island this week to learn about how we are improving our education and early childhood system, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister, Doug Currie. “We are extremely proud of recent accomplishments in education and early…

Ministers see opportunity in regional education cooperation

Atlantic governments can strengthen education and create opportunities for their citizens through regional cooperation, Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allan Campbell and Education and Early Childhood Education Minister Doug Currie said Friday.The Council of Atlantic Ministers of…

Literacy continues to be a high priority for Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training

A strong commitment and relentless efforts to promote and enhance literacy is the key theme that emerged from a meeting of the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET) today in Dartmouth, N.S. The meeting was attended by Hon. Martine Coulombe, New Brunswick Minister of Post-…

Literacy continues to be a high priority for Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training

A strong commitment and relentless efforts to promote and enhance literacy is the key theme that emerged from a meeting of the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET) today in Dartmouth, N.S. The meeting was attended by Hon. Martine Coulombe, New Brunswick Minister of Post-…

Construction begins on the new BioCommons Manufacturing Centre

A new BioCommons Manufacturing Centre will be built in the BioCommons Research Park, thanks to a combined investment of more than $4.65 million from the federal and provincial governments.The Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, on behalf of the Honourable Keith Ashfield,…

Launching a new initiative - Women’s Heart Health

The Department of Health and Wellness was pleased to be a part of launching a new campaign, Women’s Heart Health, a joint initiative with the Federated Women’s Institute of Prince Edward Island, go!PEI and the provincial Heart and Stroke Foundation, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram…

Minister Bertram congratulates Mark Arendz

Congratulations to Prince Edward Island biathlete, Mark Arendz, on capturing his first World Cup gold, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram. “Mark is an outstanding athlete and a tremendous representative for our province,” said Minister Bertram. “Congratulations to Mark, his family…

Island company expands to accommodate growing demand

Silliker Glass has expanded their company to meet growing demands for their commercial storefront services, thanks to investments made by the federal and provincial governments. “Our government continues to support projects which help companies create jobs and make key investments in our region,”…

Winter tire usage continues to increase on Prince Edward Island

An increasing number of Island drivers are installing certified winter tires on their vehicles as a way to improve safety, says Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Ron MacKinley. “Islanders are becoming more and more aware of the advantages winter tires can provide over all seasons…

Maritime Provinces lead the way in communications interoperability for emergency providers

Justice and Public Safety Minister Doug Currie joined Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Ministers responsible for emergency management in Toronto earlier this week to discuss emergency management priorities and approve initiatives including the Strategy and Action Plan for Communications…

FPT Ministers Responsible for Emergency Management Commit to Collaboration

Justice and Public Safety Minister Doug Currie joined Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Ministers responsible for emergency management in Toronto earlier this week to discuss emergency management priorities and approve initiatives including the Strategy and Action Plan for Communications…

Minister Proclaims Family Literacy Day in Prince Edward Island

Islanders of all ages are encouraged to spend time learning and reading together on Family Literacy Day, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister, Doug Currie. “Success in a 21st century learning environment depends on strong literacy and numeracy skills for our students and all…

Islanders invited to 2011 Team PEI Rally

Islanders are invited to come and celebrate Team PEI athletes as they prepare to compete at the 2011 Canada Winter Games. “The Team PEI Rally is a wonderful opportunity for Islanders to celebrate the members of Team PEI and wish them all the best as they prepare for the 2011 Canada Winter Games,”…

Innovation PEI and ACOA partner to offer business training for newcomers

A series of immigrant-focused business training sessions beginning February 5 will allow new Islanders to learn more about starting and operating a business in Prince Edward Island, Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allan Campbell and ACOA Minister Keith Ashfield said today. “This is a…

Minister congratulates the Birt rink – Team PEI for the 2011 Scotties Tournament of Hearts

After an exciting weekend of women’s curling, congratulations to the Birt rink, who has won the spot to represent Prince Edward Island at the 2011 National Scotties Tournament of Hearts, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram. “Prince Edward Island has many outstanding female curlers,…

Petroleum Pricing

The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission approved the following petroleum pricing decisions, effective 12:01 a.m., Tuesday, February 1, 2011: • Gasoline prices will increase by 1.3 cents per litre (cpl); • Furnace and stove oil prices will increase by 3.3 cpl; • Diesel prices will increase by 3…

Chinese Islanders Business Summit to match businesses, investors

A business matchmaking event will give Island business people a chance to explore opportunities for partnership and investment with new Islanders in the Chinese-Canadian Community, says Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allan Campbell. “In recent years we have seen a great influx of new…