Launching a new initiative - Women’s Heart Health

Health and Wellness
The Department of Health and Wellness was pleased to be a part of launching a new campaign, Women’s Heart Health, a joint initiative with the Federated Women’s Institute of Prince Edward Island, go!PEI and the provincial Heart and Stroke Foundation, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram.

“We are extremely excited by this unique opportunity to work with the Women’s Institute (WI), in partnership with go!PEI and the Heart and Stroke Foundation to improve the heart health of Island women,” said Minister Bertram. “Our Government’s number one priority is the provision of quality health care services and programs for Islanders. In 2008, it was estimated that 5.5% of Islanders were living with heart disease. We need to ensure that every Islander is aware of the risk factors and preventative measures that they can take to minimize their likelihood of becoming part of those statistics. This campaign is focused on education and prevention of heart disease, ultimately encouraging Island women to live healthy lives and to take action to minimize their risk factors.”

“As part of this national initiative, PEIWI hopes to educate all Island women and their families about this important health issue,” said Carol MacLellan, President of the Provincial WI. “In keeping with our Triennium theme ‘Coast to Coast: WI Alive and Well,’ one aspect of this initiative is challenging our members to wear a pedometer and record their daily walks. By combining the numbers of steps, we hope to walk across Canada and achieve a healthy lifestyle while participating.”

From Newfoundland to British Columbia is approximately 5,000 km, and it is estimated that there are 1,320 steps in a kilometer; therefore, to achieve the number of steps necessary to walk across Canada, Women’s Institute members across the province are attempting to collaboratively walk 6,600,000 steps in 2011. To join in their challenge, contact their office at or call 902-368-4860.

“go!PEI is focused on getting Islanders active and eating right, which contribute to a healthy lifestyle and lowers the risk for developing heart disease,” said Recreation PEI President Barb Mullaly, representing go!PEI. “Many communities across the Island have developed walking groups as part of the go!PEI program, and we hope Island women of all ages will join the Women’s Institute on their mission to reach 6.6 million steps in 2011.”

Also, as part of the Women’s Heart Health campaign, Islanders are asked on Friday, February 4, 2011, to participate in National Wear Red Day - a day when Canadians nationwide will take women's health to heart by wearing red to show their support for women's heart disease awareness. Join the Women’s Heart Health initiative by wearing your favorite red dress, shirt, or tie on February 4, 2011.

“The Heart and Stroke Foundation is pleased to be a partner in the Women’s Heart Health campaign,” said Jason Roberts, Chair of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island. “It is important for all Islanders, but especially women, to understand and manage their risk factors in order to help improve their health and reduce the risk of disease.”

Throughout 2011, the Women’s Institute will be hosting community workshops and guest speakers, in conjunction with go!PEI and the Heart and Stroke Foundation, to help educate Island women about their heart health.

February is Heart Month, and what better time to make some heart friendly lifestyle changes than now. For more information on heart health, visit

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere