Work schedule app is voted best among IT Garage projects

Economic Development and Tourism
A web-based application to track employee work schedules was voted the most promising by attendees of IT Garage’s Demo Day.

“I want to congratulate the winning team of young software designers who really personify the best of the work that’s coming out of our IT Garage startup accelerator program,” Economic Development and Tourism Minister Heath MacDonald said. “IT Garage is helping to grow our emerging information technology sector and encouraging entrepreneurship by giving interns real-world experience.”

IT Garage is a post-secondary graduate mentorship program for budding video game and software developers. It connects participants with mentors and start-up resources as they consider entrepreneurship as an option for their careers.

IT Garage is one way Innovation PEI supports early-stage development of the gaming and IT development industry. It is funded through the Department of Workforce and Advanced Learning’s SYNC program and Innovation PEI.

Colin Crowther, Brandon Banks, and Corey Weber created Timeshifts, an app that allows managers to create a schedule for their workplace that tracks information such as employees’ availability, training, and position. It was selected to receive the Recognition of Excellence award from among the six projects developed by program participants during their term.

Information technology is an emerging sector in Prince Edward Island’s economy. Currently 2,500 people work for 100 private IT companies in Prince Edward Island, and there are also IT specialists working in government and other sectors. In the video game development sector alone, there are currently 11 companies that employ 195 Islanders at an average annual salary of $60,980.

“I was very impressed by all of the presentations and would like to congratulate the winning team,” said Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Richard Brown. “I am pleased to partner on this initiative to support the growing information technology industry, and I am confident there is a bright future for these young software designers here on the Island.”


The six software and game projects developed by the IT Garage interns were:

• Timeshifts - A web application that allows managers to easily create a schedule for their workplace that easily accounts for multiple employees factors such as availability, training, and position.

• Codebrary - An online web application for developing HTML and CSS code which allows for easy sharing and development amongst teams.

• DoubleTap - A three dimensional video game for the PC based on a zombie survival scenario.

• Go Guide - A mobile application for visitors to Prince Edward Island who follow a pre-designed walking tour of historical sites.

• TrackWell - gathers and analyzes data to allow a user to predict possible issues. An example would be a doctor monitoring long term sugar levels of a diabetic patient.

• Sportal - A social media and meeting application for sports enthusiasts to connect in their local area, form teams, and matchmake for their sport events.

Media Contact: Brad Chatfield