Volunteers Recognized During National Volunteer Week

* Health [to Jan 2010]
Volunteers of community-based social services were recognized as the foundation of Prince Edward Island communities in the Legislative Assembly today.

“These unsung volunteers are out there everyday making life better for Islanders,” said Social Services and Seniors Minister Chester Gillan. “They are board members, fund raisers, fund providers, support group leaders, peer counselors, drivers, visitors, advocates, builders, and educators. Our communities are stronger because of them, as their dedication enables voluntary organizations to provide essential front-line social services that complement government resources.”

According the Statistics Canada 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 37 per cent or 40,000 Prince Edward Island residents are volunteers. Moreover, 18 per cent of volunteer events and 23 per cent of volunteer hours are devoted to social services, second only to arts, culture and recreation organizations.

The Minister also commended the many volunteers in the healthcare sector. “Whether it be the person who helps to direct you to where you are going in hospitals or the person who visits you at your bedside for companionship during difficult times, the volunteer helps to enrich the lives of those in need.”

National Volunteer Week is celebrated the fourth week of April.

Media Contact: Verna Lynne Weeks