Student Drug Use 2004 -2013 Report Released

Health and Wellness
The most recent student drug use report shows ongoing substance use and misuse among youth in Prince Edward Island.

“The report describes the prevalence and trends of tobacco, alcohol and drug use, as reported by Island students in grades 6-12 from 2004 to 2013,” said Dr. Carolyn Sanford, Provincial Epidemiologist, Chief Public Health Office. “Not surprisingly, students that report using substances show lower self-esteem, emotional well-being and academic achievement, and higher bullying behaviours than students that report not using substances.”

Typically, males reported more substance abuse than females. Alcohol continues to be the most prevalent drug among the population of Island students at 39 percent, down from 42 percent in 2010-2011. The majority of those who reported drinking also reported binge drinking. Almost 25 percent of students from grades 7-12 reported using at least one drug other than tobacco or alcohol, such as marijuana, in the last 12 months.

The report also briefly describes student’s emotional well-being and behaviors such as bullying, healthy eating, screen time and physical activity.

Almost 25 percent of students reported being bullied in the last 30 days. Only 12 percent of students reported eating the recommended daily servings of fruit and vegetables and 85 percent of students reported exceeding the recommended two hours of screen time per day. Those students that exceeded the two hours of screen time also reported lower self-esteem and emotional well-being than those who reported less than two hours a day.

“Any substance misuse among youth is a concern and it is important to make this information available to parents, communities, and those who work with youth,” said Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Heather Morrison. “I encourage people to read the report online and talk to their children about the harms associated with substance misuse.”

Government continues to invest in initiatives that support physical and mental wellness, such as the provincial wellness strategy, youth mental health and addictions programs and healthy public policy.

The report is available online at:

Media Contact: Darlene Gillis