Small Business Week to highlight success of Island entrepreneurs

Economic Development and Tourism
Small businesses from across Prince Edward Island will have an excellent opportunity to learn, collaborate and explore new possibilities during Small Business Week, says Minister of Economic Development and Tourism Heath MacDonald.

“Small Business Week is an ideal forum for local entrepreneurs from one end of the Island to the other to connect with other business owners, to learn about new ways to do business, and to explore new possibilities and emerging markets,” says Minister of Economic Development and Tourism Heath MacDonald. “It’s also a great way to highlight the many successes of local businesses in a very competitive marketplace. Events are taking place across Prince Edward Island and I encourage all local small business owners to take part.”

Small Business Week takes place October 18 to 24. One of the many highlights of this year’s program of events is Export Day on October 20. Local businesses will hear from experts from across Canada on the global economy and how it relates to Prince Edward Island; the province’s stake in recent trade agreements; and new and emerging opportunities for exporters around the world. An Island company will be presented with the Exporter of the Year Award.

There will also be networking and learning events held across the Island all week long including a series on "Maximizing the Profit Potential of your Business " presented in partnership with the Rural Action Centres.

“Our small businesses form the backbone of the provincial economy and it is vital that they have opportunities to hear success stories from other businesses, and expert advice on ways to grow,” said Minister MacDonald. “Our goal is to expand the provincial economy and create new jobs for Islanders by increasing our exports and encouraging new businesses to set up shop. Small Business Week can help inspire that kind of growth.”

The event is supported by the Province of Prince Edward Island through Innovation PEI, local Chambers of Commerce, and various industry associations across the Island.

For more information on Small Business Week visit

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague