Public reminded not to feed wildlife

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
The Department of Agriculture and Forestry is reminding people not to feed foxes, raccoons and coyotes because of the risks to human health and safety and, in many cases, concern for the wild creatures themselves.

“We all share a responsibility to keep wildlife ‘wild,’ ” said provincial wildlife biologist Brad Potter.

The Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division has had many calls about people feeding and interacting with wild animals such as foxes. Officials are concerned that these animals will become used to people feeding them, reducing their fear of humans and increasing the possibility of serious bites and scratches, as well as the risk of disease transmission.

“We need to get the message out that a fed fox is a dead fox,” said Mr. Potter. “Foxes and other wildlife that rely on human food lose their fear of humans as well as their inclination to hunt.”

Foxes are now a common sight in our towns and cities. “We need to ensure people understand that close contact with wild animals carries risks to both humans and wildlife,” he said. “It is important that people appreciate and understand wildlife for what it is.”

For more information on wildlife in Prince Edward Island, contact the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at (902) 368-4683 or visit

Media Contact: Kim Devine