Province making substantial investments in social housing

Family and Human Services
The provincial government is making substantial, long-term investments to improve and strengthen social housing in Prince Edward Island, says Minister of Family and Human Services Doug Currie.

“As part of the Capital Budget, the Province has developed a five-year commitment to invest $750,000 per year to fund needed renovations to buildings across the Island,” said Minister Currie. “This investment demonstrates our government’s commitment to affordable housing. We know that safe, affordable and quality housing is important to all Islanders.”

This investment is the first round of the five year plan. The projects that will be funded will provide needed renovations to more than 20 buildings from Alberton to Souris. This weekend, the first round of tenders will be advertised in local daily newspapers inviting business and entrepreneurs to bid on the work that will be available through this investment. These tenders include the majority of the projects up that will be completed this year.

Minister Currie also noted that the demand for family and seniors housing is very high and the cost sharing programs with the federal government are critical. “Currently, the federal government cost shares operations for most family and seniors housing units in the province. It is concerning that these cost sharing agreements will be expiring and the federal government has not indicated its intention to renew this financial commitment,” said the Minister.

Affordable housing in Canada is among the most important social infrastructure in our communities. Minister Currie said he is also committed to continue to work with our partners across Canada to call on the federal government to reinvest in social housing and emphasize the importance of strengthened long-term collaboration between provinces and the federal government to meet the housing needs of Canadians into the future.

More information on the housing tenders available through the Department of Family and Human Services is available by calling one of the four provincial Housing Services offices across the province.

Broadcast version:

This new Government is making substantial, long-term investments to improve and strengthen social housing in Prince Edward Island. As part of the Capital Budget, the Province has developed a five-year commitment to invest $750,000 per year to fund needed renovations to buildings across the Island. Tenders for these projects will be advertized in this weekend’s daily newspapers.

The demand for family and seniors housing is very high and the current cost sharing programs with the federal will be expiring and the federal government has not indicated its intention to renew this financial commitment. This government is committed to continue to work with partners to call on the federal government to reinvest in social housing to strengthened long-term collaboration between provinces and the federal government to meet the housing needs of Canadians into the future.

Media Contact: Maureen Flanagan-LeClair