Province increasing supports for children in care

Family and Human Services
The room and board and clothing rates for children in the care of the province will be increased by two per cent on September 1, says Minister of Family and Human Services Doug Currie.

“Government has a responsibility to ensure that it is continuing to meet the needs of children who are living in foster homes and group homes,” said Minister Currie. “We are very pleased to provide this additional support for children in the care of the province.”

There are approximately 225 children in care each year on Prince Edward Island. The room and board allowance is provided to children who are living with foster parents. Children living in group and foster homes will receive the increase in the clothing allowance.

The children in care room and board and clothing rates were increased by five percent in October 2013 with an additional increase of two percent in July 2014.

On August 1, monthly compensation rates for foster parents were increased by $200, bringing the rates for Levels 1,2 and 3 to $600, $1,000 and $1,400 respectively.

Media Contact: Maureen Flanagan-LeClair