August 21, 2012 French language services will be enhanced for residents in long-term care thanks to funding received under the Canada-PEI Agreement on French Language Services, says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie. “A bilingual neighbourhood, or two households, will be part of the new Summerset Manor in Summerside when it opens next winter,“ said Minister Currie. “This will strengthen the delivery of services to French-speaking manor residents as part of our government’s continued efforts to offer more French services to the Acadian and Francophone community. It also ties in well with our commitment to focus on person centred care for Island seniors.” Funding was received from Acadian and Francophone Affairs for two cost-shared projects, which stemmed from a report done by the PEI French Language Health Services Network on how to strengthen the delivery of health services in French. “The first project provides funding for one full-time equivalent position to coordinate and implement specific recommendations in the bilingual neighborhood at Summerset Manor before it opens,” said Gayle Lamont, administrator of Summerset Manor, Health PEI. “The second project provides funding for designated bilingual RCW positions – two full-time equivalent positions and five 0.60 full-time equivalent positions. This will greatly improve the residents’ access to French language services in the new facility.”Media Contact: Darlene Gillis