May 3, 2013 The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission has generated almost $8,000 in donations during its 5th annual Support Safe Grad fundraising campaign. These funds will help ensure Island high school graduates are able to enjoy safe alcohol-free celebrations. “The PEI Liquor Control Commission has been successful in generating funds for and creating awareness of the need for safe graduation celebrations over the past five years,” noted Hon. Robert Henderson, minister responsible for the PEI Liquor Control Commission. “Thank you to the PEI Liquor Control Commission customers who have donated almost $47,000 over the five years of this campaign.” This donation will supplement the funds raised by the schools to ensure graduates across the Island can celebrate their successes during alcohol-free activities. “We thank the PEI Liquor Control Commission and its customers for this donation which will help support the work of our volunteers,” noted Cynthia Fleet, Superintendent of Education of the English Language School Board. “This is a great help to the fundraising that takes place by our school communities,” added Anne Bernard-Bourgeois, Superintendent of the French Language School Board. The Support Safe Grad campaign is a point-of-purchase customer donation program which remits 100% of all proceeds to Island schools to defray the costs of their alcohol-free graduation events.Media Contact: James MacLeod