Minister Encouraged after Council of Ministers of Education, Canada Meetings

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
The discussions at the recent Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) meetings were very encouraging, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Doug Currie.

“I am extremely pleased to see the priorities of my counterparts across the country line up with what we are doing in Prince Edward Island,” said Mr. Currie. “The discussion on integrating 21st century competencies into public education is the same conversation we started in June with the Summit on Learning. I am excited and encouraged to see the interest and progress being made in other provinces and to see how we can all work together to advance 21st century learning models across the country.”

The CMEC 98 meetings provided education ministers an opportunity to focus on the priorities outlined in their guiding document, Learn Canada 2020. The discussions focussed specifically on Aboriginal education, international education, post secondary education, and education-related data and research. Mr. Currie, along with delegates from New Brunswick and Alberta, was able to include 21st century learning to that agenda.

“The topic of 21st century learning was front and centre at our Summit this summer and it needs to be a priority for public education across the country,” said Mr. Currie. “We need to look at ways Islanders, and Canadians, can work together to support students to determine what they need to learn and how they need to learn it. I am committed to working toward a model of public education that will give our children the skills they need to reach their full potential.”

Mr. Currie was also able to help move forward the decision to include a discussion on early childhood education at the next CMEC meeting. As part of the discussions held on early childhood education, Mr. Currie provided an overview of the Preschool Excellence Initiative. The presentation was extremely well received and helped to move this topic on to the agenda for CMEC 99, which will be held this coming winter in Toronto.

Media Contact: Maureen Flanagan-LeClair