The Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission today, May 10, released statistics on full-time faculty in each Maritime province and university.

These statistics update data previously released in the report titled Faculty Recruitment and Retention in the Maritimes.

The tables are available for download from the commission's website -- -- and include student-to-faculty ratios (at the regional, provincial and institutional level) as well as the proportion of faculty who are 55 years of age and older in each Maritime university.

Highlights from the updated statistics are as follows:

-- Over the last five years, the student-to-faculty ratio in Maritime universities has remained fairly constant (2000-01: 19.49; 2004-05: 20.17).

-- In 2004-05, 31 per cent of all Maritime faculty were 55 years of age or older. This proportion increased 2.5 percentage points since 2000-01.

-- There continues to be considerable differences in the proportion of faculty 55 years of age and older by field of subject taught: only 4.7 per cent of full-time faculty teaching in the Fine and Applied Arts were among this group, compared to 19 per cent of full-time faculty teaching in the Social Sciences or Humanities and Related disciplines.

The Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission was established in 1974. The 20 members of the commission are drawn from the Maritime provinces, and represent higher education institutions, provincial governments and the general public. Its mission is to assist institutions and governments in enhancing the post-secondary learning environment.

As part of this mission, the commission collects and maintains data pertaining to post-secondary education in the Maritimes. The Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission also conducts research on issues in post-secondary education; reports and research articles are available on the website

Media Contact: Island Information Service