The work of the Macphail Foundation over nearly twenty years is to be commended and the province’s new funding arrangement provides a much better framework for the sustainability of the property, says Minister of Tourism and Culture Robert Vessey.
“The Foundation has developed a plan which will see the site repositioned as much more than an historic site and appeal to additional funding sources for opportunities,” said Minister Vessey. “Thanks to the dedicated efforts of local MLA Alan MacIsaac, we are pleased with the successful outcome of this new partnership agreement. A number of Departments including Tourism and Culture, Agriculture, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development and Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal also contributed to the package.”
The new funding arrangement with the Province means that the Macphail property in Uigg will continue operations this summer and into the future. A Memorandum of Understanding, concluded late last week, will see the current lease terminated and primary responsibility for the buildings and grounds returned to the province with the Macphail Foundation continuing to be responsible for activities on the site.
Mike Oulton, incoming chair of the Macphail Foundation said that the Memorandum represented a new beginning. “Now that some of our major concerns have been addressed, the Board can really concentrate on developing the potential of the site. We think that this property can be used to demonstrate many aspects of the strength of the rural areas of the province - a strength that Sir Andrew Macphail valued and wrote about.”
Mr. Oulton said now that an agreement is in place the Board will be moving ahead with plans to open the site to the public as soon as possible and that many activities will be planned for the summer and fall.
Under the agreement the Macphail Foundation will receive funding for a site manager who will work with the board to explore opportunities for the site. In addition the province will maintain the buildings and develop a plan to address capital needs.