Islanders encouraged to take part in Read Around the House

* Tourism and Culture [to May 2015]
March Break is a great time to have fun with family literacy and Island families can do so this year through the new Read Around the House initiative, says Tourism and Culture Minister Robert Vessey.

“Read Around the House is designed to encourage reading and the enjoyment of books,” said the Minister. “Island families are encouraged to read for 15 minutes a day in different areas of their house throughout March break. They can register with their local library and track the time they spend reading, and they will receive a certificate in recognition of their achievement.”

Read Around the House is organized by the PEI Public Library Service. Library staff encourages participants to read different types of materials such as fiction, biographies, how-to books, magazines, graphic novels or online stories such as TumbleBooks.

“There are many ways for families to enjoy reading together,” said Minister Vessey. “They can read at home, at a friend’s house or at their local library. Parents can read aloud to children, or older siblings can read to their younger sisters and brothers. There are also many ways to read books online through the Library website,” said the Minister.

More information on Read Around the House is available at any of the 26 branches of the PEI Public Library Service or at

Media Contact: Mary Moszynski