Islanders are encouraged to participate in mental health and addictions survey

Health and Wellness
The results of a public survey on mental health and addictions will be used to improve access to timely, coordinated government and community-based services, says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie.

The survey is being launched today as part of a comprehensive mental health and addictions review being conducted for government by MRSB Consulting Ltd.

“The findings of the review will support the development of a broad provincial plan to address the changing face of mental health and addictions in our province,” said Minister Currie. “The public survey is a critical component of the review and I strongly encourage Islanders to contribute their ideas and suggestions directly by taking part in the survey.”

The survey is directed to Islanders who have used mental health or addictions services, and the people who support them. Survey questions ask about people’s experiences with the mental health or addictions system, what they feel is working well and what needs to be improved.

The review includes all government services that impact mental health and addictions needs, such as health, education, justice and social services. These findings will be used to improve the continuum of mental health and addictions services and supports offered by the province.

In addition, MRSB has conducted key informant interviews with over 20 stakeholder groups to identify strengths, gaps and opportunities to improve linkages between services by government and community-based organizations.

“Now we are reaching out directly to the public and the users of our services for input,” said Minister Currie. “I urge Islanders to take 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey and tell us, based on their own experiences, how we can promote better mental health, prevent addictions and ensure that the best possible services are there for people who need them.”

Government expects to receive the report and recommendations in early 2013.

The online survey can be accessed from November 14 to 28 at Paper copies of the survey can be picked up at Island Information Service, 1st floor, Jones Building, 11 Kent Street. Anyone wishing a copy mailed to them, may call 368-4000 or 1 800 236-5196.

All responses are confidential and the names or addresses of survey participants are not required.

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere