High School Students Begin to Benefit from Island Prosperity Strategy

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
High school students are beginning to see the benefits of the Island Prosperity Strategy which promised to modernize high school science laboratories across the province and expose students to the best possible science equipment.

New funding of $200,000 to purchase high-tech science equipment will provide chemistry and biology students new opportunities to learn about bioscience and technology. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Department of Innovation and Advanced Learning provided the funding.

“State-of-the-art equipment and innovative science curricula will enhance teaching and learning especially in the important area of bioscience,” said Gerard Greenan Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development.” Exposure to such advanced technology will encourage Island students to study bioscience and expand career possibilities for the future,” he said.

Some of the equipment includes datalogging probeware which will bring science laboratories in all 14 high schools to a new level of teaching and learning. Chemistry and Biology students in French and English programs will be able to collect, analyze and interpret real and relevant data, making the science lab experience more authentic and exciting. Students will have access to high-tech instruments such as physiology sensors (EKG, Heart Rate, spirometor), pH, dissolved - oxygen, temperature, and conductivity sensors and colorimeters.

State-of-the-art biotechnology equipment will be installed later this month to support the new Advanced Placement programs at Westisle and Three Oaks and the International Baccalaureate programs at Colonel Gray and Charlottetown Rural.

“We are proud to participate in an Island Prosperity Strategy that expands career possibilities for Island youth by advancing their skills and knowledge in the area of bioscience technology,” said Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Alan Campbell.” Our $100,000 investment to provide modern science labs for teaching and learning demonstrates our commitment to a prosperous future for all Islanders,” he said.

Minister Greenan also profiled the new science courses to be offered in English programs. The science curriculum will reach full implementation province-wide with the addition of Physics 621A in September. Grade 10 and 11 students will be offered Applied Science 701A which develops literacy in science and technology using VEX radio-controlled robotics technology. This course will also feature a component on energy and alternate fuel sources and will offer students the possibility to explore career opportunities in this area.

The following year, students will be able to extend their knowledge and skills from Science 701 by taking Robotics 801A . This innovative course will introduce students to the exciting challenges of robot programming and engineering design. At the same time, development work is about to begin on another new course – Environmental Science – which will likely incorporate the concepts of Education for Sustainable Development.

“Developing an innovative, prosperous future through the Island Prosperity Strategy begins by investing in the education of our youth today,” said Minister Greenan.

Media Contact: Beth Cullen