Fall Legislature Sitting begins with Throne Speech

Premier's Office
The 2010 Speech from the Throne delivered by the Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, will be the first highlight of the fall sitting of the Legislative Assembly.

The speech will be moved by Vernon River - Stratford MLA Alan McIsaac and seconded by Kellys Cross - Cumberland MLA Valerie Docherty.

“The upcoming sitting of the Legislature will offer government the opportunity to outline its plans and priorities for the next year,” Premier Robert Ghiz said. “Once again, I would encourage Islanders to participate in the sitting – either by following debate on television or the internet, or providing input directly to MLAs.”

All proceedings of the House are open to the public. Visitors to the public gallery can follow the Ordinary Daily Routine including statements by members and ministers, oral question period, and debate of motions and bills during regular sitting hours Tuesday to Friday.

Full proceedings of the House are broadcast live on the Internet at www.assembly.pe.ca and on EastLink Television during daytime sitting hours.

Regular sitting hours of the House are Tuesday and Thursday, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Speech from the Throne will be read at 2 p.m. on November 12, 2010.


2010 Speech from the Throne

• The Speech from the Throne sets out government’s broad direction and the initiatives it will take to accomplish its goals.

• The Speech is customarily the first order of business for every new session of the Legislative Assembly.

• The government of the day is Her Majesty’s government and, accordingly, the Lieutenant Governor, as the Queen’s representative, reads the Speech from the Throne.

• In attendance are the Members of the Legislative Assembly and guests, which include industry and educational leaders, representatives of the judiciary, clergy, former Lieutenant Governors and Premiers, municipal leaders, representatives of registered political parties and Officers of the Legislative Assembly.

• The “Usher of the Black Rod” leads the Lieutenant Governor into the Legislative Assembly. Before entering, the Usher knocks on the closed doors of the Legislative Assembly Chamber three times and requests permission to enter. This symbolism is important as it reminds Islanders that it is the elected Chamber that is supreme and not the Crown. The appointment of the Usher dates back to 14th-century England.

• There are three distinct branches of the Prince Edward Island Government: the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches.

• The Legislative Branch which is composed of the elected Members of the Legislative Assembly, enacts laws and approves all money required by the Executive Branch for the conduct of government business and programs.

• The Executive Branch (Cabinet) is responsible to implement and administer the law. It may also initiate policy and introduce proposed legislation, called bills.

• The Judicial Branch interprets the laws.

• On the day following the Speech, two Members move and second a motion called the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne. This offers the thanks of the House to the Lieutenant Governor for the Speech. After the mover and seconder speak, any member of the Legislative Assembly may speak once to the Speech from the Throne.

• There is no time limit on the debate on replies to the Speech. Once the debate has concluded, a vote is taken.

• The 2010 Throne Speech will be moved by Vernon River - Stratford MLA Alan McIsaac. It will be seconded by Kellys Cross - Cumberland MLA Valerie Docherty.

Media Contact: Geoff Townsend