Disability Action Council presents bi-annual report

* Community Services and Seniors [to May 2015]
The presentation of the Disability Action Council’s bi-annual report is an opportunity for government and community organizations to learn about the role we all play in improving the lives of Islanders with disabilities, says Community Services and Seniors Minister Valerie E. Docherty.

“The report is an educational resource that measures what has been achieved and what improvements still need to be made in terms of bettering the lives of Islanders with disabilities,” said Minister Docherty. “It is important to have an outline that holds all Islanders accountable to what more needs to be done.”

Prince Edward Island’s Disability Action Council is comprised of members from community organizations, businesses, people living with disabilities and government, with a responsibility to advise government on matters affecting Islanders with disabilities. Priority areas have been determined by the Disability Action Council through a Disability Services Review completed in 2009. The 2012 report outlines what progress has been made in those identified areas and where continued efforts need to be focussed.

The report was presented by Disability Action Council Chairperson Marcia Carroll.

“The first two years of our mandate have been challenging and rewarding. As a committee, we wanted to remain true to the recommendations put forth in the Disability Services Review,” said Carroll. “Islanders living with disabilities, their families and service providers told us what would improve their lives. As a result, we have made significant progress in the areas of leadership, increasing supports and services, building partnerships, developing program standards and creating awareness. However, there is much to be done and our current fiscal reality will challenge us to meet these expectations.”

For more information about the Disability Action Council visit http://www.gov.pe.ca/sss and click on the “Supports for People with Disabilities” tab.


Summary of key achievements over the past couple of years include:

• creation of a Disability and Community Liaison Officer position

• signing of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

• creation of two positions within Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to support students with disabilities and their families

• implementation of the Autism Action Plan: Another Piece of the Puzzle

• 97 accessible and affordable housing built across the province

• increase in food and basic living supports through the Department of Community Services and Seniors

• increase in social assistance supports by ending clawback of National Childhood Benefits

• investments in improving accessibility of public transit

• increased funding for Disability Support Program

• partnership developed with UPEI to introduce persons living with disabilities to campus recreation facilities

• meeting with city and town councils to promote Disability Lens

Media Contact: Amber Nicholson