Islanders are being asked to share their ideas for solutions to reduce nitrate levels in groundwater and surface water. The Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater is developing a strategy to address the issue of nitrate concentrations in water. Commission chair, the Honourable Armand DesRoches, says they want to hear from Islanders.
“This is an issue that affects all Islanders so the commission believes it is important to invite Islanders to help us find solutions,” said Mr. DesRoches. “We know that some individuals and groups are already taking steps to reduce nitrate levels so we want people to share those ideas. But we also want to hear what more needs to be done. What could individuals, organizations or governments be doing to reduce nitrate levels, and how can those actions be encouraged?”
The deadline for submissions to the Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater is October 15. Submissions can be sent by mail to: Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater, PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, C1A 7N8. They can also be emailed to Those who need more time to prepare are asked to contact the commission to make arrangements.
Other members of the Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater are Chief Darlene Bernard of Lennox Island; Dr. John MacLeod, a retired research scientist; Dr. Heather Morrison, Chief Health Officer; and Stuart Affleck of Bedeque, a retired potato producer. In recent weeks, commission members have been reviewing and assessing research on nitrates, and available solutions to reduce nitrate levels. In the coming weeks, they will be inviting presentations from groups with a particular interest or expertise on the topic. The commission will report to the Premier by June 2008 and the report will be tabled in the legislature.
Nitrate is the most common chemical contaminant in water in Prince Edward Island. There has been a steady increase in nitrate concentrations in some Island streams over the last 20 to 30 years. Nitrate levels in private wells in some areas of the province have also increased. Province-wide, about 4.3% of wells exceed the Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guideline for nitrate. But in some watersheds, more than 10% of wells exceed the guideline.
For information on nitrates and the work of the Commission on Nitrates in Groundwater, visit the website at or call (902) 626-2186.