Chief Public Health Office releases Report on Health of Islanders

Health and Wellness
The Chief Public Health Office has released its first Health Officer’s Report which provides a snapshot of the health of Islanders that will guide government policy decisions, says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie.

“This is a very important document that gives us a clear, realistic picture of the current health of Islanders,” said Minister Currie. “It is important for government to have a broad array of current data on which to base health policy. I commend the Chief Public Health Office for its hard work on producing this important document and I encourage Islanders to take action to improve their own health. Whether it’s quitting smoking, increasing physical activity or having their children immunized – these individual actions will contribute to healthier communities over time.”

The 112-page report – Promote, Prevent, Protect – looks at the health trends of Islanders and reveals, among other things, that the Island population has higher rates of certain chronic diseases and self-reported heavy drinking rates than the rest of the country. It also found that Islanders tend to be happier, have a strong sense of belonging and want to take action to improve their health.

The report looks at everything from life expectancy to breastfeeding and immunization rates, says Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison, and expands on some of the key program areas of the Chief Public Health Office which works to promote and protect the health of Islanders.

“It is my hope that this report will provide information to the public and the government to help guide personal and policy decisions moving forward,” said Dr. Morrison. “I believe we can make a difference by promoting good health, doing our best to prevent illness and trying to protect Islanders from becoming ill. I believe we can do it together and that is our public health goal.”

To read the complete report, go to

Media Contact: Beth Johnston