A business continuity plan can help businesses and organizations continue to deliver products and services if everyday operations are disrupted says Environment, Labour and Justice Minister Janice Sherry.
“We like to think we’re safe from crisis, but the fact is, it can happen here,” says Ms. Sherry. “During or following an emergency, businesses and organizations may need to implement extraordinary measures to continue to provide critical services or products to the public.”
Critical services or products are those that must be delivered to ensure survival, avoid causing injury, and/or meet legal or other obligations of an organization.
“The Government of Prince Edward Island is taking steps to ensure that departments will be able to provide essential critical services to the public in the event of a crisis,” said Ms. Sherry. “During Business Continuity Week 2013, I encourage all Island businesses and organizations to prepare for the risks you can see, and the ones you can’t.”
Additional information on Business Continuity Awareness Week can be found at www.bcaw2013.com.