Attorney General Proclaims Right to Know Week

* Environment, Labour and Justice [to May 2015]
Doug Currie, Minister of Justice and Public Safety and Attorney General, has declared September 27 - October 1 as Right to Know Week in Prince Edward Island in recognition of International Right to Know Day, September 28th.

“Government has a commitment and a responsibility to operate in a manner that is both transparent and accountable,” said Minister Currie. “Right to Know Week helps raise public awareness about the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act which protects the rights of Islanders to access provincial government records and ensures that personal information government has about an individual remains private.”

A number of events have been organized throughout the week. On Tuesday, September 28, 2010, between 10 and 11 a.m. (EDT) (11 and 12 Atlantic), Information and Privacy Commissioner Maria MacDonald will participate in a Live Chat Session, a daily on-line chat session inviting members of the public to converse with various scheduled information commissioners throughout the week. Those interested can sign up and chat at .

On Thursday, September 30, 7 - 9 p.m., the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner is hosting a public forum at Holland College, Charlottetown Centre. The theme of the forum is “Policies and Procedures to Access: Success Stories and Areas for Improvement.” Moderated by Commissioner MacDonald, the invited participants include Connie McNeill, departmental FOIPP coordinator; Jessie Frost-Wicks, departmental solicitor; Pat Martel, CBC Radio; and Paul MacNeill, Island Press.

“The provincial government has made tremendous strides in the area of access to information and we continue to explore areas requiring improvement,” said Minister Currie. “I want to acknowledge the work of Maria MacDonald, Information and Privacy Commissioner, and thank the invited guests participating in activities to celebrate Right to Know Week.

International Right to Know Day is recognized worldwide to raise awareness about the right of individuals to access information held by public bodies. Today, all provinces and territories in Canada have freedom of information legislation and a commissioner or ombudsperson who is responsible for ensuring the rights of those requesting information are respected.

The Prince Edward Island Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act was proclaimed on November 1, 2002 to make government more open and accountable, and ensure that Islanders’ personal information held by government is protected. The Act covers the records of provincial government departments, and agencies, boards, commissions and crown corporations listed in the Regulations of the Act.



WHEREAS September 28th is celebrated world-wide as International Right to Know Day;

WHEREAS Right to Know celebrations mark the right of individuals to access information held by public bodies and highlights the benefits of transparent, accessible government;

WHEREAS active participants in Right to Know Week include citizen groups dedicated to democratic principles, students, media, academics, policy makers and governments;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I, Doug Currie, Minister of Justice and Public Safety and Attorney General for Prince Edward Island, proclaim September 27 - October 1, 2010 as Right to Know Week in Prince Edward Island.

Signed: Honourable Doug Currie, Minister of Justice and Public Safety and Attorney General, Prince Edward Island


Right to Know Canada -

PEI FOIPP page -

PEI Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner -

Media Contact: Beth Cullen