News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Petroleum Pricing
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission approved the following petroleum pricing decisions, effective 12:01 a.m., Saturday, March 21, 2015:• Gasoline prices will decrease by 2.4 cents per litre (cpl);• Furnace and stove oil prices will decrease by 6.0 cpl;• Diesel prices will decrease by 5.0… |
Annual fee waived for the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (P.E.I.)
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers in Prince Edward Island will receive free driver’s license renewals, in addition to free annual motor vehicle registration and license plates, says Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Alan McIsaac.“Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary members… |
Ministerial staff positions to be streamlined
Ministerial executive assistant positions will be streamlined and restructured, reflecting the smaller size of cabinet.Premier and Finance and Energy Minister Wade MacLauchlan announced the number of positions will be reduced by more than 50 per cent. The existing complement of ministerial… |
Premier meets with federal ministers, highlights economic opportunities during speech
Premier and Finance Minister Wade MacLauchlan met with federal ministers and potential investors in Ottawa and Toronto this week to discuss issues of importance to Islanders.Premier MacLauchlan met with Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Denis Lebel where he… |
Two upcoming professional learning days will now be instructional days
Due to the number of school days impacted by winter storms, we will be changing two upcoming professional learning days into instructional time for Island students, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Alan McIsaac.“Government is committed to supporting student achievement, and… |
Funding will support expansion of live lobster holding facilities
New funding of up to $50,000 per project for holding facilities for live lobster will help the industry to become more competitive and profitable, says Minister Allen Roach, Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning and Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development.“One of the challenges for our… |
Feedback requested on management plans for Bonshaw properties
The Bonshaw Hills Public Lands Subcommittee is seeking public input on a management plan for properties to be included in an expanded park in the Bonshaw Hills, says Subcommittee co-chair Jackie Waddell.“The land in the Bonshaw Hills is unlike anywhere else on Prince Edward Island, featuring a mix… |
Additional provincial government investments will help Islanders in need
Additional investments of more than $700,000 will be made available to assist Islanders in need, says Premier Wade MacLauchlan.“With this funding we are pleased to increase the personal comfort allowance for social assistance clients, and to increase grants to 15 community organizations that… |
Core Government Internet/VPN Outage - March 25 2015
On Wednesday, March 25 2015, there will be a Core Government Internet/VPN Outage at the Sullivan Building Data Centre. This Internet outage is required for Aliant to perform scheduled maintenance. This outage will be scheduled for 10 minutes starting at 2:30 AM on March 25th.This outage will affect… |
New Equipment Improves Efficiencies for Eastern PEI Company
Atlantic Roasted Products Inc. has its roots in the family farm. When Anthony and Anna Nabuurs ran their family hog farm they used roasted soy beans to supplement animal feed for their livestock. When they exited the industry in 2007, they established Atlantic Roasted Products Inc. and began to… |
Additional funding to help with snow removal
Premier and Finance Minister Wade MacLauchlan announced more than $2 million in additional funding for the City of Charlottetown and the City of Summerside to help with snow removal.“Significant snowfall this winter has led to unique safety hazards for drivers and pedestrians across Prince Edward… |
Higher revenue, lower expenses boost third-quarter forecast
Increased revenue from crown corporations and reduced expenses by government departments have improved the province’s third-quarter fiscal position by $5 million.“Islanders expect and deserve a government that is fiscally responsible,” Premier and Finance and Energy Minister Wade MacLauchlan said… |
Libraries to assist with registrations for local shellfishers
Staff at local public libraries are once again offering assistance to shellfishers who may not have access to a computer at home, or have had little experience filling out online applications, says Minister of Tourism and Culture Robert Henderson.“Last year we began offering this service at public… |
Provincial government services at Sherwood Business Centre canceled for the day
Patients and clients are advised that due to a propane leak, all provincial government services offered at the Sherwood Business Centre (formerly the Ellis Bros Shopping Centre) are canceled for the day. The Charlottetown Fire Department is on site and has advised that there is no danger to the… |
Provincial Palliative Care Centre officially opens
A new $5.6 million provincial palliative care centre will provide patients with more care options and their loved ones the opportunity to be involved in care, says Premier Wade MacLauchlan.“This modern facility will improve the quality of life for patients and allow them to spend their last days as… |
Premier MacLauchlan thanks federal government for cable support, confirms province’s commitment to project
A new electricity connection to the mainland, the largest and most important infrastructure project for Prince Edward Island since the Confederation Bridge, will ensure the province’s future energy needs can be met and protect Islanders against the risk of volatile rate increases associated with… |
Heart and Stroke Foundation benefits from PEI Liquor Control Commission’s efforts
The PEI Liquor Control Commission (PEILCC) generated $9,468 in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation during its 4th annual Paper Hearts campaign. PEILCC customers were prompted to purchase paper hearts in support of the work of the foundation during this annual February event.“The total… |
A successful year of apprenticeship training
Prince Edward Island’s trades sector has seen a significant year of growth, with 406 registered apprentices completing training programs in 2014-15, says Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allen Roach. “This year our government has supported on-Island training for 14 different trades,… |
Minister Responsible for the Status of Women for Prince Edward Island expresses condolences regarding the passing of Diane Kays
The people of Prince Edward Island are mourning the passing of Diane Kays, Chairperson of the Advisory Council on the Status of Women, says Minister of Community Services and Seniors, Valerie E. Docherty.“Diane was a dedicated feminist who cared deeply for her community,” said Minister Docherty. “… |
Bridges increase access to new lands in the Bonshaw hills
The new Green Road footbridge and the multi-use pedestrian path under the Bonshaw bridge will provide easier access to an expanded provincial park in the Bonshaw hills, says Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Alan McIsaac.“The expanded park will include the existing Bonshaw and… |