News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Province Reaches New Employment Levels
Prince Edward Island's economy showed strong signs of growth last month as the unemployment rate dropped to 11.2 per cent – a significant decrease from the 14.3 per cent rate in February of this year. Employment in Prince Edward Island surged to 67,900 in April – the highest employment level in… |
Minister Issues Call for Bids for Prince County Oil and Gas Exploration
Hon. Michael F. Currie, Minister for Development and Technology, today issued a Call For Bids for an oil and gas permit for a 65,917 acre (26,687 hectare) tract of land in Prince County. This will allow interested oil and gas exploration companies to bid for permit rights, pursuant to the Province… |
Minister Launches Litter Awareness Campaign
Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan marked World Environment Day today by announcing a new litter awareness campaign to reduce litter on Island roadsides, shorelines and trails. The campaign will encourage Islanders and visitors to "Keep the Island clean. Put litter in… |
Unlicensed Properties a High Priority for Tourism Industry.
Once again this year, Compliance Officers will be hitting the roads of Prince Edward Island to ensure that all properties being rented during the tourism season are licensed and operating legally. They will work with Quality Tourism Services (QTS), the industry owned inspection agency, to ensure… |
Province Announces Strategy to Address Immediate and Long-Term Issues Surrounding Prince County Courthouse
The Province today announced a two-point strategy to address immediate and long-term issues surrounding the Prince County Courthouse. Attorney General Jeffrey Lantz said the strategy reaffirms the right of disabled people to have appropriate access to the Prince County Courthouse, while recognizing… |
Province Announces Strategy to Address Immediate and Long-Term Issues Surrounding Prince County Courthouse
The Province today announced a two-point strategy to address immediate and long-term issues surrounding the Prince County Courthouse. Attorney General Jeffrey Lantz said the strategy reaffirms the right of disabled people to have appropriate access to the Prince County Courthouse, while recognizing… |
Transport Canada and Prince Edward Island Contribute $3 Million in Funding for Greenwich Road
Solicitor General of Canada and MP (Cardigan) Lawrence MacAulay, on behalf of Transport Minister David Collenette, together with PEI Minister of Transportation and Public Works Don MacKinnon, today announced an agreement to provide joint funding of $3 million to rehabilitate Route 313, known as… |
Twenty-Eighth Annual Statistical Review 2001
Hon. Patricia Mella, Provincial Treasurer, is pleased to announce the release of the twenty-eighth edition of the Province of Prince Edward Island Annual Statistical Review. The 2001 Review contains extensive and comprehensive socio-economic information for Prince Edward Island. It is widely… |
Ten Tips for Students and Parents to Ensure Safe Prom Celebrations for All
The PEI Liquor Control Commission has some practical advice this spring for high school students on how to keep their "prom" or "grad" festivities safe. To discourage underage drinking and encourage teens to celebrate responsibly, the Commission is passing on the following safe prom tips for… |
Kinkora Company Wins Top Honours At Final Food Show
Embers Products Ltd., a specialty sauces producer located in Kinkora, received top honours at the Canadian Fine Food Show held recently in Toronto. The company's Wild Blueberry Salsa-Picante beat out 43 other entrants in the Chutney and Salsa category to take home the coveted honour. "We're… |
Students and Ministers Tip-Off New Physical Activity Guides for Children and Youth
Canada's Physical Activity Guides for Children and Youth are designed to help parents and young people learn more about the importance of physical activity in health and overall quality of life. The Prince Edward Island launch for the guides occurred today at Tignish Elementary School with the… |
Exploring Opportunities for Island Craft and Giftware Producers in Atlanta
Prince Edward Island producers of crafts, giftware, garden and consumer wood products have the chance to explore their products' potential in the Atlanta, Georgia marketplace. On Wednesday, June 12, giftware representatives, buyers and trade commissioners from Atlanta will be in Charlottetown to… |
Islanders Honoured for Environmental Efforts
A group of Prince Edward Island citizens who have enhanced the Island environment through their business practices and community efforts were recognized at a special ceremony at Government House Monday night. Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan presented the 2002… |
Atlantic Premiers Meet in Pictou
At the Council of Atlantic Premiers meeting in Pictou, Nova Scotia, premiers vowed to continue their aggressive approach to regional cooperation designed to improve public services and reduce barriers to business within the region. At the meeting, premiers also outlined their priorities for the… |
Nominations for School Board Trustees
Nominations for the election of school trustees for the Eastern School District, Western School Board and the French Language School Board are now being accepted. The Eastern School District has been divided into eleven zones with one trustee to be elected from each zone for a total of eleven… |
Petroleum Pricing Adjustments
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that wholesalers have been authorized to increase the prices of gasoline by 5.0 cents per litre and to increase the prices of diesel, furnace and stove oil from 2.3 to 3.3 cents per litre, in their dealer and consumer schedules.… |
Minister Credits Islanders for Sharp Decline in Oil Spills
Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan commended Islanders today for their efforts in realizing a dramatic drop in the number of oil spills this past winter. Eight weather-related spills were reported this year, compared to 130 last winter. "While the weather conditions… |
East Prince Health Pays Tribute to Caregivers During National Hospice Palliative Care Week
This week marks the ninth annual National Hospice Palliative Care Week (May 5-12). East Prince Health is striving to raise awareness among staff and public on the value and role of hospice and palliative care. This year, attention is centred on the role of the caregiver, recognizing the needs,… |
Premier Pat Binns Tables Report from Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention
Today in the Legislative Assembly, Honourable Pat Binns, Premier of Prince Edward Island, tabled the consultation report and five-year strategy of the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention. This report follows several months of public consultations. The strategy is based on… |
Heritage Fair Features First Class Exhibits
Students from across the province will be participating in the seventh annual Provincial Heritage Fair on Thursday, May 9, at the Confederation Centre of the Arts. More than 3,500 students, teachers and volunteers have participated in community-based fairs. Students in grades five through nine… |