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Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.  

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  • News before April 18, 1996 is not available online.

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 *Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results. 

Wood Products Manufacturers Facing Labour Shortage

According to a study released by the PEI Association of Wood Products Manufacturers (PEIAWPM), the lack of training facilities for a skilled workforce is a barrier to the growth potential of the Island's value-added wood products industry. The report was based on the findings from wide ranging…

Conference Theme Hits Timely Topic

"In The Wake of Walkerton - PEI's Proactive Approach" is the title of this year's Prince Edward Island Farm Women's Conference. To be held at the Loyalist Inn, Summerside on Tuesday, February 27, the conference is taking a proactive role in educating participants in the importance of on-farm food…

Murphy Welcomes Federal Support For Food Strategy

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Mitch Murphy said today that new agriculture initiatives outlined in the recent federal Throne Speech should help support implementation of the province's Food Strategy goals. Speaking to the annual awards banquet of the Prince Edward Island 4-H Council, Mr. Murphy…

Hog And Egg Board Elections

Charles Coles, Returning Officer for the Prince Edward Island Marketing Council, reports that directors to the Hog and Egg boards have been elected by acclamation. Under the Hog Commodity Marketing Regulations, a board member whose term of office has expired but has not served two full terms, is…

US Border Closure Main Event

Illegitimate trade barriers, particularly those imposed against Prince Edward Island potatoes, will be high on the agenda today in Washington, D.C. Agriculture Minister Mitch Murphy is in the U.S. capital pressing Prince Edward Island's case at a meeting of State Commissioners and Provincial…

Ministers Release Booklet on Agricultural Waste Management

The Island agriculture community has a valuable new resource to help producers maximize the return from on-farm waste, while minimizing its impacts on the environment. Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Mitch Murphy and Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan have…

Murphy Advises Precautions

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Mitch Murphy said today that although there is low risk of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in Prince Edward Island, he is advising the public and farmers to exercise extreme precautions. Mr. Murphy said his department is providing information to individuals…

Second Phase of Potato Diversion Program to Begin

Potato farmers should begin the second phase of the diversion program early next week as a result of the federal-provincial agreement reached yesterday. Agriculture and Forestry Minister Mitch Murphy today confirmed a statement released on Wednesday by federal agriculture minister Lyle Vanclief. "…

Department Will Pay Share Of Assistance Program

The Department of Agriculture and Forestry will be paying its share of funds to eligible producers under the national Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA) program for the 1999 tax year. The program is cost-shared by the federal and provincial governments on a 60:40 basis and the federal…

National Soil Conservation Week

This is National Soil Conservation week across Canada, and Agriculture and Forestry Minister Eric Hammill said he would like to see more on-farm soil conservation projects this coming year. "Under the Agriculture and Environmental Resources Conservation program, the provincial government committed…

Provincial Government Continues Support For Harness Racing

The Prince Edward Island government will be contributing $1.0 million this year to support the harness racing industry in the province. The announcement was made today by Agriculture and Forestry Minister Eric Hammill. The contribution will cover all aspects of the industry, including the Atlantic…

Plant Encouraging More Growers

Island Quality Vegetables is looking for additional growers to supply its expanding markets for broccoli and cauliflower. Production of both crops has expanded significantly since the processing plant opened two years ago, and plant manager Julius Patkai says that growing markets for its products…

Researchers Publish Findings On Plant Bacteria

A research scientist with the Department of Agriculture and Forestry is the co-author of a review article on the importance of plant bacteria to crop production. The article by Dr. Tony Sturz, along with Drs. B.R. Christie of the Charlottetown Crops and Livestock Research Centre and J. Nowak of the…

New Beef Development Program Announced

A new program to strengthen the production and marketing of Prince Edward Island beef was announced in the Legislature today by Agriculture and Forestry Minister Mitch Murphy. Under the new Beef Development Program, a financial incentive of three cents a pound on a carcass weight basis will be paid…

Agricultural Stabilization Program Extended

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Mitch Murphy announced today that the enhanced Net Income Stabilization Account program (NISA) will be extended through an agreement with the federal government to cover eligible producers for the 1999 tax year. "The NISA program is the cornerstone of our overall…

Department Appoints New Potato Specialist

The Department of Agriculture and Forestry has appointed Paul MacPhail of Clyde River as the new potato specialist. The position had been vacant since Peter Boswall was appointed as Field Crop Development Officer. Mr. MacPhail will begin his new duties in early June. "The staffing of this position…

Quarantine On Bee Hives Lifted

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Mitch Murphy today announced that the quarantine on bee hives in the Mount Vernon area is being lifted. The quarantine was imposed after an infestation of Varroa mites was detected during a routine inspection last week. Mr. Murphy told the Legislature yesterday…

Open House At Tree Nursery Complex

Where can you see three million tree seedlings growing in one place? Where can you learn how forests are accurately measured using satellites orbiting the earth? Where could you get information on how to manage your family's forest land for timber, wildlife, recreation, or other uses? On Wednesday…

Code of Practice for Livestock Watering Designated

The Farm Practices Review Board has designated a code of practice for watering livestock while on pasture. The code was developed by the Prince Edward Island Cattleman's Association and the Dairy Producers Association and was presented during a public hearing held by the Board in May. The new code…

Workshops Planned On Potato Health Management

Two workshops are being held next week for potato producers interested in learning more about potato health management. The workshops will be conducted by Dr. Randall Rowe, a professor of plant pathology at Ohio State University, who has extensive experience with fungal diseases including late…