News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Public Consultation Schedule Announced for Disability Services Review
The Prince Edward Island Disability Services Review Committee is asking Islanders to share ideas and concerns through a series of public consultations. The Disability Services Review Committee has developed a background paper and questions for discussion and written submission. The questions are… |
Petroleum Pricing
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today that existing petroleum prices, for all products, will remain in effect.Including taxes, pump prices for regular unleaded gasoline at self-serve outlets will continue to range from 104.3 cpl to 105.8 cpl. The Commission’s next scheduled… |
PEI Island Teachers Begin Training to Deliver the International Baccalaureate Program
Prince Edward Island will host a major learning event this Friday and Saturday for more than 40 Prince Edward Island teachers and 100 teachers from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick who deliver the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. The IB program will be introduced in September 2008 at… |
Atlantic Canada Labour Ministers to Meet
Labour market ministers from Atlantic Canada will meet in Charlottetown Monday, February 18, to discuss how the region can work together to address the challenges and opportunities in today’s labour market. Development and Technology Minister Richard Brown is organizing the meeting. “We all face… |
Island Heritage Study Uses Unique Approach to Involve Islanders
Technology is providing a new way for Islanders to have their say about the preservation of the past. The Comprehensive Heritage Study, being undertaken by The IRIS Group on behalf of the Department of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour, has created an online blog where Islanders can submit… |
IWMC Announces Winter Storm Debris Cleanup Details
The Island Waste Management Corporation today announced details of an upcoming storm debris cleanup for residents of Prince County and Central Queens County affected by the recent ice storm. “Many Islanders in Prince County and Central Queens County have seen a buildup in broken trees and other… |
Council Advertising for Order of PEI Nominations
Maitland MacIssac, Chair of the Order of PEI Advisory Council announced today that nominations for the Order of Prince Edward Island are now being received by Council. The nominations deadline this year is March 28th for the highest honour the Province of Prince Edward Island can award. The Order… |
2008 Island Guide Ready for Distribution
The Honourable Valerie Docherty, Minister of Tourism is pleased to announce the 2008 Prince Edward Island Visitor’s Guide is ready for distribution. To mark the 100th anniversary of the publication of Anne of Green Gables, this year's cover boasts a scenic shot of Anne overlooking the beautiful… |
Premier Presents Tuna Award
James Gaudet, a fisherman from Tignish Run, was recognized today for landing the largest Bluefin tuna of the 2007 season. Premier Robert Ghiz presented the Premier’s Cup to Mr. Gaudet at a ceremony in Charlottetown. The award was instituted in recognition of the role tuna fishing plays in the… |
Renovations to the Kings County Memorial Hospital Move Forward
Renovations to the Emergency Department at the Kings County Memorial Hospital are moving to the next phase of development. “The competitive bidding process is complete and we are pleased to announce that Southern Kings Construction Company from Montague, has been awarded the contract for… |
Lobster Fishers Endorse Monitoring Program
Data collected as part of the Prince Edward Island Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture’s lobster resource monitoring program, was presented at the recent annual meeting of the Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association. The monitoring program, conducted by the department over the past nine… |
Debt Collection Practices Must Not Violate the Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers
The Office of the Attorney General is reminding Islanders that certain debt collector practices are restricted by the law. Anyone collecting debts in Prince Edward Island must comply with consumer protection laws. All collection agencies operating in the province must be licensed pursuant to the… |
Poet Laureate Creates Poetry Website
A new website which will enable Islanders and others to see, hear and post poetry has been launched by recently-appointed Poet Laureate David Helwig. The site is a gateway to the poets and poetry of Prince Edward Island. When he accepted the appointment as Poet Laureate, David Helwig indicated that… |
Province of Prince Edward Island to Exempt Income from Working Income Tax Benefit
The Province of Prince Edward Island today announced that income received from the federal Working Income Tax Benefit will be exempt from income-tested programs of the Department of Social Services and Seniors. The Working Income Tax Benefit is a new refundable tax credit from the Government of… |
Province of Prince Edward Island to Exempt Income from Working Income Tax Benefit
The Province of Prince Edward Island today announced that income received from the federal Working Income Tax Benefit will be exempt from income-tested programs of the Department of Social Services and Seniors. The Working Income Tax Benefit is a new refundable tax credit from the Government of… |
Petroleum Pricing
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission announced today the following petroleum pricing decisions, effective February 22, 2008:• Gasoline and diesel prices will increase by 7.0 cents per litre (cpl); • Furnace fuel and stove oil prices will increase by 6.0 cpl; and • There will be no change in… |
Computers for Schools PEI Celebrates the Delivery of 10,000th Computer
Computers for Schools (CFS)-Prince Edward Island today celebrated a 10,000 milestone donation with a special delivery by the Honourable Gerard Greenan to Colonel Gray Senior High School in Charlottetown. “This major milestone was achieved through the vision and dedication of Computers for Schools… |
Island Properties Added to the Heritage Register
Montague Project Results in 14 new RegistrationsHon. Carolyn Bertram, Minister of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour announced today that 20 Island properties have been recognized for their historical significance, and registered as heritage properties. The Minister announced the newest… |
Prince Edward Island Represented At Seafood Show
Government and industry representatives are aiming to develop new and expanded markets for Prince Edward Island seafood products and processing equipment during the annual International Boston Seafood Show which opens on Sunday. Prince Edward Island Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Allan Campbell… |
Community Museum and Unique Lighthouse Featured on Heritage Posters
The Garden of the Gulf Museum and the Point Prim Lighthouse are the two newest historic buildings to be featured on Prince Edward Island Heritage Posters. The poster designs were unveiled Saturday afternoon during the launch of the Garden of the Gulf Museum’s new book Reflections: Images and… |