News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
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*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Seniors’ Issues in Spotlight at New Island Seniors Research Forum
Policy-makers, researchers, community groups and seniors’ advocates are coming together on Friday for the province’s first-ever Island Seniors Research Forum. The Prince Edward Island community is rapidly changing as seniors grow in number and represent a bigger proportion of the total population.… |
Tourism PEI Launches 2009 Marketing, Media and Public Relations Plan
Tourism PEI, along with the Tourism Advisory Council (TAC), unveiled the details of the 2009 Marketing, Media and Public Relations plan to Prince Edward Island tourism operators today in Charlottetown. The highlights of the 2009 marketing campaign were presented to members of the Tourism Industry… |
Revised Visiting Guidelines for Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Staff and administration at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) would like to advise the public of new visiting guidelines to be followed while visiting patients in the hospital. “Our patients are our top priority and these updated visiting hours and guidelines are designed to balance the patient… |
Island Students Take Part in New ArtsSmarts Projects
Students in eight Prince Edward Island schools have new opportunities to develop their artistic skills through the ArtsSmarts program this year. ArtsSmarts is a national program which brings artists and educators, schools and communities together to nurture creative thinkers and encourage… |
Minister Doug Currie Thanks Rotary Club of Hillsborough for Donation to Salvation Army Fuel Program
The Minister of Social Services and Seniors today congratulated the Rotary Club of Hillsborough for donating $10,000 to the Salvation Army Fuel Program and helping low-income Islanders keep their homes warm this winter. The Salvation Army office in Charlottetown has approved approximately 200… |
New Marine Engineering Company to Open in Stratford
Aspin Kemp & Associates, a marine electrical engineering company based in Owen Sound, Ontario, announced plans today to expand its company and open a new manufacturing facility in Stratford, PEI. The Government of PEI is providing financial support for the new operation which will open in the… |
Changes to Highway Traffic Act Better Define School Zones
Recent changes to Prince Edward Island’s Highway Traffic Act will enable law enforcement agencies to levy appropriate fines for drivers who speed in school zones on the Island. The changes, which took effect in late 2008, define at what hours, and at what times of year, school zones are in effect… |
Fluid Milk Prices Increase On February 1
Gordon MacBeath, Prince Edward Island Marketing Council chair, today announced that the minimum wholesale price of fluid milk and cream products will increase between four (4) and five (5) cents a litre on February 1. Mr. MacBeath said that Council did not change the minimum home delivery price of… |
Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly to Resume April 2
Premier Robert Ghiz has asked the Honourable Kathleen Casey, Speaker of the House, to reconvene the Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly on Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 at 2 p.m. This will mark the continuation of the Second Session of the Sixty-third General Assembly which was adjourned to the… |
Innovation PEI Pilot Fund Projects Announced
Allan Campbell, Minister of Innovation & Advanced Learning, today announced 20 projects that will receive funding under the Innovation PEI Pilot Fund. Successful applicants will receive grants of up to $25,000 to cover eligible operating costs associated with testing innovative ideas that have… |
License Suspended For CN Pensioners Club
The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission has suspended the club liquor license, license number CL970020, for the premises known as “C.N. Pensioners Club” located at 281 King Street, Charlottetown, for the following period of time, that is: for a period of five (5) days for… |
Petroleum Pricing
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission approved the following petroleum pricing decisions, effective 12:01 a.m., Sunday, February 1, 2009:• Gasoline prices will increase by 3.9 cents per litre (cpl); • Propane prices will increase by 3.0 cpl for Superior Propane and by 3.2 cpl for Irving… |
Dog River Golf Links Appealing License Cancellation Decision
The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission’s decision to cancel the Special Premise Liquor License SL 93-0005) of Dog River Golf Links located in Clyde River for a one-year period, effective February 1, 2009, is being appealed. The license holder has filed notice to the Commission… |
Canadian Youth Invited to Take Part in ‘Financial Fitness Challenge’ Contest
Young Canadians are invited to increase their financial literacy through an interactive scholarship contest sponsored by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). "With the current economic uncertainty, we have all discovered the importance of good money management,” said Attorney General… |
Brookvale Provincial Ski Park Offers Special Rates as Part of Islander Day
Premier Robert Ghiz and Minister of Tourism Valerie Docherty invite Islanders of all ages to celebrate Islander Day with family and friends at Brookvale Provincial Ski Park. Islander Day falls on the second Monday in February, and this year’s holiday is Monday, February 9, 2009. The new holiday… |
Physician Returns to Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Dr. David Ashby will return to the QEH operating room this week to perform surgical assists, QEH executive director, Rick Adams announced today. “With Dr. Ashby’s consent, we wish to advise the public that he has received treatment for Hepatitis C and has been cured,” says Rick Adams. “We are very… |
Big Break Prince Edward Island Begins April 20th on Golf Channel
The Honourable Valerie E. Docherty, Minister of Tourism, is pleased to announce the first airing of the Big Break Prince Edward Island TV reality series on April 20, 2009 at 9 p.m. EST, on GOLF CHANNEL network. Twelve competitors, including Canadian contestant, Derek Gillespie, will play in ten… |
New Grade 6 History Resource Brings PEI History Alive for Students
A new Grade 6 Island history resource was showcased at Fanningbank, the historic home of the Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Barbara A. Hagerman today. Government officials, some Grade 6 students, and teachers and many experts who helped with its creation gathered to celebrate the exciting,… |
Prince County Manufacturer Invests in Wind Power
Provincial support is helping a Coleman-based manufacturer “go green” while fighting power costs, Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister Richard Brown said today. Brown said government has reached a deal with Trout River Industries in order to help the company purchase two Island-made wind… |
Islanders Celebrate Teachers and School Staff
Islanders are getting ready to acknowledge the contributions of teachers and school staff during Teacher and School Staff Appreciation Week, February 9 to 14, 2009. Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Gerard Greenan encourages students and parents to take time during the week to say… |