Policy-makers, researchers, community groups and seniors’ advocates are coming together on Friday for the province’s first-ever Island Seniors Research Forum.
The Prince Edward Island community is rapidly changing as seniors grow in number and represent a bigger proportion of the total population. By the year 2030, one in four Islanders will be 65 and older, creating significant challenges and opportunities for businesses, government, families and the community.
The PEI Seniors’ Secretariat and the PEI Population Aging Initiative are pleased to present the first Island Seniors Research Forum this Friday, where invited speakers will explore a wide range of topics.
Keynote speaker, Dr. Judy Lynn Richards of the University of PEI, will present an introduction to the population changes and explain some of the implications for PEI.
Dr. Lori Weeks will speak about housing and seniors, highlighting some of the findings of the Atlantic Seniors Housing Research Network. She will also discuss the issue of family violence among older women.
Other speakers will present the lessons that they have learned while working with Island seniors in preventing falls, addressing health issues, encouraging safe driving, and creating social support networks.
Everyone is welcome and there is no charge to attend. The Forum takes place Friday, March 6, 2009 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Murchison Centre, located at 15-17 St. Pius X Avenue in Charlottetown.