News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Health PEI Board appoints Dr. Michael Mayne as Chief Executive Officer of Health PEI
The Health PEI board of directors has appointed Dr. Michael Mayne as the organization’s next Chief Executive Officer, effective April 1, 2016, says Health PEI board chair Phyllis Horne. “The board of directors is very pleased to welcome Dr. Mayne to Health PEI,” said Ms. Horne. “He will bring… |
After two record years, tourism in 2016 looks promising
Early reservations being made with our quality accommodations bode well for tourism in 2016 following record years in 2014 and 2015, Economic Development and Tourism Minister Heath MacDonald says. “Some tourism operators are telling us their bookings have started off strong so far this year,”… |
Minister MacDonald encouraged by discussions on domestic trade
Discussions are continuing towards a renewed domestic trade agreement in Canada. Minister Heath MacDonald, Economic Development and Tourism met with his Federal-Provincial-Territorial counterparts last month to discuss the status of negotiations towards a renewed Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT),… |
Islanders invited to learn how they can support a loved one suffering from addiction
Islanders impacted by a loved one’s addiction are invited to an information session on how to communicate with and support their loved one to seek treatment, says Health PEI Director of Mental Health and Addictions Verna Ryan.Health PEI is holding a Community Reinforcement and Family Training (… |
2016 Order of PEI Nominations accepted until March 29th
Charles Curley, Chair of the Order of PEI Advisory Council, announced today that nominations for Prince Edward Island’s highest honour, the Order of Prince Edward Island, will continue to be accepted until March 29, 2016. The Order of Prince Edward Island was established in 1996 to recognize the… |
March 21 is a reminder to eliminate racial discrimination
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21 reminds us to help promote rights and freedoms, says Premier Wade MacLauchlan. “Prince Edward Island welcomes any and all people who are willing to help enrich our Island community,” said the Premier. “We must raise our… |
City of Summerside Looks to Attract Private Sector Investment
The City of Summerside is making infrastructure upgrades to an underutilized multi-tenant facility to attract new private sector business investment and new employment opportunities to the downtown core. The existing facility at 54 Central Street will be re-purposed from its previous retail space… |
Prince Edward Island optimistic on priorities for Immigration in Canada
Federal, provincial, and municipal counterparts responsible for immigration met this week in Ottawa to discuss and learn from their successes and challenges in welcoming our newest Canadians, says Minister Heath MacDonald, Economic Development and Tourism. “I was honoured to represent Prince Edward… |
PEI Mussel King Launches Microwavable “Mussels in Minutes”
P.E.I. Mussel King (1994) Inc. and its subsidiary PEI Mussel Farms Inc. produce, package, and sell PEI mussels to the world. The company has a reputation for developing and producing high-quality products, was named Trade Team PEI’s 2015 Exporter of the Year, and is now introducing an innovative… |
Aerospace, bioscience companies outperforming expectations
The aerospace and bioscience sectors in Prince Edward Island are posting better sales and profits than originally predicted, Economic Development and Tourism Minister Heath MacDonald said.“We are seeing increased export growth on Prince Edward Island and a resulting increase in labour income,” said… |
Essential Skills Training to enhance the shellfish industry
Harvesters and plant workers had the opportunity to enhance their job related skills in quality control processes within the shellfish sector, says Minister Richard Brown, Workforce and Advanced Learning.“Through SkillsPEI, we’re focused on working closely with industry to give Island workers the… |
Highlights from first round of district advisory council meetings now online
Students, parents and educators are working together to develop a focused direction for excellence in the education system through district advisory councils, says Education, Early Learning and Culture Minister Doug Currie.“Government is committed to drawing on the expertise of Islanders to help… |
Public engagement invited on development of new energy strategy
A new energy strategy for Prince Edward island will be developed through a wide range of perspectives from individuals and businesses, says Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar. “”We are looking forward developing an energy strategy that will guide policies and decisions… |
Public health and primary care cancelling some patient appointments for this afternoon and evening
Due to inclement weather and challenging road conditions, some primary care and public health services appointments are being cancelled. Public Health Nursing has cancelled appointments in Charlottetown for this afternoon.Additionally, all primary care appointments at the Central Queens Health… |
Premier welcomes federal budget as positive for Prince Edward Islanders
Premier welcomes federal budget as positive for Prince Edward IslandersCharlottetown, PEI, March 22, 2016—Premier Wade MacLauchlan today reacted positively to Minister Bill Morneau’s first budget “Growing the Middle Class.”“I have appreciated our exchanges with the Prime Minister and the federal… |
Islanders to benefit from new heart testing services offered at the QEH
The recruitment of a new cardiologist to the province has allowed for the addition of more heart health services that Islanders can access closer to home, says Minister of Health and Wellness Robert Henderson. “We are very pleased to have this new specialist practicing in our province,” said… |
Changes proposed for Route 1A intersections in Central Bedeque
The Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy has presented residents of the Bedeque area with proposed changes to improve safety at intersections along Route 1A in Central Bedeque, says Minister Paula Biggar.“Bedeque Council was one of the first municipal governments I met with after… |
Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI and Province team up to offer training to adult learners
The Province of Prince Edward Island is excited to be working with the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI to offer essential skills training and GED preparation to adult learners in Lennox Island, says Minister Richard Brown, Workforce and Advanced Learning.“Education is so crucial in the development of… |
Some primary care services cancelled in West Prince this afternoon
Due to inclement weather and challenging road conditions, primary care is cancelling all patient appointments scheduled for this afternoon and evening at health centres in Alberton, O’Leary and Tyne Valley. Cancelled appointments are being rescheduled. Islanders are reminded to please call ahead… |
Education transition update
Education, Early Learning and Culture Minister Doug Currie today provided an update on the integration of the English Language School Board into the department. “We are building an education system that is focused on student excellence, and we believe our educators are the key to helping students… |