Workers, employers invited to upcoming Employment Standards seminars

* Environment, Labour and Justice [to May 2015]
Island workers and employers are invited to learn about Prince Edward Island’s labour laws at upcoming seminars on the Employment Standards Act, says Environment, Labour and Justice Minister Janice Sherry.

“Aside from the home, work is where people spend most of their time. PEI’s labour laws create a code of conduct for workers and employers and clarify the rights and obligations of each. These seminars offer everyone a chance to learn how they are protected by the Employment Standards Act,” said Minister Sherry.

The Employment Standards Branch of the Department of Environment, Labour and Justice will be conducting information seminars that would be beneficial to both employers and employees. PRE-REGISTRATION can be done by calling 902-368-5550 or 1-800-333-4362 or by email to

Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown

Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. (Pre-Registration Deadline – June 5, 2013)

Credit Union Place, Summerside

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. (Pre-Registration Deadline – June 12, 2013)

A variety of topics will be covered including Vacation Pay, Statutory Holidays, Special Leaves, Notice of Termination, Wage Recovery, Overtime, Reporting Pay and other areas of interest.

Associations or companies wishing separate seminars, additional information or to pre-register for a session should contact the Employment Standards Branch at 368-5550 or 1-800-333-4362, .

Media Contact: Ron Ryder