Women's Institutes Providing Support to Northern Canadian Families

* Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture [to Jun 2007]
The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada (FWIC) has launched a new project which will assist children and women and focus on improving the lives of families in northern Canada. The first communities selected for the project are Hopedale and Sheshatshui in Labrador. Hopedale has approximately 610 residents with 250 of these aged 18 and under. Sheshatshui, which is in the process of becoming a First Nation Reserve, has approximately 1300 residents. Many in these two isolated communities live their traditional lifestyle on the land in harmony with nature.

Some of the many concerns in these communities include teen pregnancy; maternal, infant and early childhood care; access to medical care; family violence; substance abuse and unemployment.

Federated Women’s Institute of Prince Edward Island is pleased to be part of this project. Appropriately, the launch is taking place in all provinces across Canada during W.I. week, February 13 - 19. Feb 19, Founder’s Day, commemorates the organization of Canada’s first Women’s Institute in Stoney Creek, Ontario.

FWIC has been in contact with recommended community leaders in Hopedale and Sheshatshui, who provided lists of their needs. They include funding for purchase of nutritional food, water and supplies for new moms and their children (for safety reasons, bottled water for drinking is required); funding for breakfast programs; supplies for women’s shelters; books for children and women; educational resources and baby items.

FWIC is asking all WI members and branches across Canada to assist in helping improve the lives of women and children in northern communities. WI members are always so generous in donating when they see a need, and there is a need –right here in Canada! Cheques, made payable to FWIC (with “Northern Canada Project” on the memo line), should be forwarded to FWIC.

FWIC is also collecting baby items (blankets, sleepers and sweaters). Please bring these to the PEI WI Convention on May 16 or drop off at the PEI WI Office by June 30.

Media Contact: Karen Craig