Wildlife Habitat Projects Receive Funding

* Fisheries and Environment [to Jul 1998]
Forty-three community-based groups and organizations have received more than $186,000 in funding support this year under the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program. The Program assists in the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitats, offering a range of support including direct financial assistance, and technical support. Minister of Fisheries and Environment, Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, expressed satisfaction at the number and quality of projects that received support. "Sponsoring organizations offer an interest and dedication that are key to achieving successful wildlife habitat initiatives. The projects receiving funding will provide the basis for very positive changes in wildlife habitat across the province," said Mr. MacAdam.

A majority of the projects funded this year are directed at stream habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement of wildlife habitat in the adjacent riparian zone. The Program also provided support to other initiatives including management of natural areas, enhancement of forest communities as wildlife habitat and wildlife habitat related research.

The projects are well distributed around the province, with watersheds in all areas being influenced by the activites of the sponsoring groups.

Mr. MacAdam holds up the Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program as an excellent example of what can be accomplished by working together. "Community involvement and commitment to a belief in the benefit of a healthy environment create a very motivated and energetic workforce. We are pleased to assist these community groups achieve their goals while at the same time strengthening the outlook for wildlife in Prince Edward Island," said the Minister.

For more information contact:

Bruce Smith - 902-368-6081

Groups Receiving Funding

1.Auld's Creek Environmental Committee

2.Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association

3.Bluefield Environmental Club

4.Boughton River Watershed Association

5.Breadalbane Environmental Committee

6.Central Queens Branch of P.E.I. Wildlife Federation

7.Evangeline Stream Enhancement Association

8.Fort Augustus Lions Club

9.Glenfinnan River Enhancement Association

10.Harpers Brook Enhancement Committee

11.Indian River Enhancement Committee

12.Island Nature Trust

13.MacPhail Woods/Environmental Coalition of P.E.I.

14.Miltonvale Park Environmental Committee

15.Miminegash River System Committee

16.Montague River Watershed Cooperative

17.Morell River Management Cooperative

18.Morell Lions Club

19.Mt. Stewart/ Hillsborough River Enhancement Committee

20.Murray River Rec. Fish Association

21.Native Council of P.E.I.

22.North Queens Branch of P.E.I. Wildlife Federation

23.Orwell/Vernon River Watershed Association

24.O'Leary Branch of P.E.I. Wildlife Federation

25.P.E.I. Federation of Fly Fishers

26.P.E.I. Soil & Crop Association

27.P.E.I. Trappers Association

28.Prince County Federation of Fly Fishers

29.Scales Pond Community Park Ltd.

30.Seal River Enhancement Association

31.Seaview Watershed Association

32.Silt & Salmonid Research Committee

33.South East Environmental Association

34.St Peter's Rec Fish Association

35.St. Charles & Area Watershed Association

36.Trout River Environmental Committee

37.Tryon River Watershed Cooperative

38.Tyne Valley / Youth Service Canada

39.Village of Wellington

40.Warren Grove Environmental Committee

41.West Point Community Enhancement Association

42.West Prince Stream Enhancement Association

43.Winter River Enhancement Committee

Media Contact: Island Information Service