Week will focus on careers, trades, technology

Workforce and Advanced Learning
Students of any age can learn about job skills and career planning at events happening this week.

Today marks the beginning of National Skilled Trades and Technology Week, as well as Atlantic Canada Career Week, both October 31 through November 6. The two initiatives were launched at Holland College by Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Richard Brown; Education, Early Learning and Culture Minister Doug Currie; Holland College President Dr. Brian McMillan; and Sue LeFort, president of Skills Canada PEI’s Board of Directors.

“It’s important to encourage Island youth to explore training and career options in the trades and technology sector,” LeFort said. “These are sustainable, rewarding careers, and we strive to deliver this message through initiatives like National Skilled Trades and Technology Week, our provincial Skills Competition, and our programming.”

For National Skilled Trades and Technology Week, Skills Canada and its member organizations will promote and host events introducing skilled trades and technology careers to parents, youth, and the public. Try-a-Trade activities, campus tours, and youth apprenticeship education and recognition events will be among the offerings in Prince Edward Island.

For Atlantic Canada Career Week, events will promote careers for students in all schools including post secondary institutions. With the theme “Create Your Own Future,” it will encourage students to think about careers using activities aimed at various life and education stages.

“These two significant initiatives coincide perfectly since they both focus on planning and training to become part of our province’s skilled, engaged workforce,” Minister Brown said. “We are a province of dreamers and doers, and with the right tools and a bit of ambition, anything is possible on Prince Edward Island.”

“Choosing a career path is one of the most difficult but important decisions a student will make, so Island schools have included career planning in student learning,” Minister Currie said. “I encourage students and parents to participate in these activities – they may help to provide the one spark needed to put a young person on the path to do great things in their career and in their life.”

“Holland College is proud to partner with Skills Canada PEI and the province to promote careers to our Island youth. Research indicates that there are significant career opportunities in occupational areas for young people,” said Dr. McMillan. “This week is an opportunity to provide more information about the successful and rewarding career opportunities that are available in the trades and technology sector and beyond.”

For more information on National Skilled Trades and Technology Week activities, please contact Tawna MacLeod, Executive Director, Skills Canada PEI at (902) 566-9352 or tmacleod@hollandcollege.com.

For more information on Atlantic Canada Career Week, visit http://www.atlanticcanadacareerweek.ca/

Media Contact: Sheila Kerry