Watershed improvements restore trout population at Wright’s Creek

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
Watershed improvements to clear siltation from Wright’s Creek have restored a healthy population of young trout to the watercourse, says Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister Richard Brown.

“Community watershed groups play a vital role protecting and preserving water quality and wildlife habitat on Prince Edward Island,” said Minister Brown. “Government funding gives local watershed groups, like Wright’s Creek and Andrew’s Pond, the tools and resources they need to enhance and restore the natural resources within their watersheds.”

The Wright’s Creek Watershed Environmental Committee is completing its most ambitious year of watershed improvements. Much of the work carried out has been to address the problem of siltation. Over the past few years, the watershed has been excavated to clean out springs and build silt traps. To date, five springs have been deepened and lined with Island stone and four silt traps have been constructed.

John Andrew, a member of the Wright’s Creek Watershed Environmental Committee, said the committee is also participating in the City of Charlottetown’s engineering study examining the causes of siltation in Wright’s Creek and Andrew’s Pond. Stantec Consultants will hold a public meeting on the issue October 21 at 7 p.m. at the Malcolm Darrach Community Centre in East Royalty.

“We hope that this initiative will lead to further improvements and restoration of the watershed,” said Mr. Andrew.

Area residents are also enjoying the benefits of a new walking trail built along the north side of Andrew’s Pond.

“Government is very pleased to partner with watershed groups all across the province to protect the quality of our water and fish habitat and improve the quality of life in our communities,” said Mr. Brown.

The restoration of Wright’s Creek was funded by the province through the Watershed Management Fund and the Wildlife Conservation Fund.

Media Contact: Kim Devine