Islanders can support O’Leary in its bid to become the Ultimate Fishing Town in Canada by voting online before September 29, says Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister Richard Brown.
“The Trout River, which runs through O’Leary, is one of the finest angling rivers in the province and I congratulate Lee Cowan and other members of the local watershed group for entering the contest,” Minister Brown said. “This is a great promotion for O’Leary and all of Prince Edward Island.”
The winning town will receive a $25,000 donation. The World Fishing Network, a 24 hour-a-day fishing channel, is holding the contest. O’Leary was chosen as one of 10 finalists from 160 submissions. The town currently sits in eighth place with almost 3,000 votes. Miramichi, N.B., the only other finalist east of Ontario, is in seventh place with more than 6,800 votes.
“The Trout River has benefited from two decades of intensive stream restoration work from the local volunteer watershed group, the Trout Unlimited Prince County Chapter, which was founded by the late Dave Biggar, a well-known conservationist. The result of that work is evident by the quality of the fishery in the watershed,” Mr. Brown said.
Islanders can view O’Leary’s video submission and cast their vote at Voting closes September 29 at 4:59 p.m. EDT.